So my wife hated my financial plan for the family, now she has a plan and I hate it too
The Plans
-my plan says-
All income go to one account and we both decide where the extra money goes after bills.
-her plan says-
Each person's income goes to his/her own account (child support to hers) and the amt specified by her, goes to the joint account for the bills. Each person put equal amounts toward groceries, and each person put $100 towards savings.
The reason she disagrees with my plan is because she wants to be financially independent, and the reason I disagree with her plan is because it's too complicated and there is no room to deal with financial emergencies. Also, I was in charge of the bills while she will be in charge of the bills while her plan in running.
So, should I go with her plan even if I think it's not going to work and is unfair, or try it to see the results?