
Should I follow my heart or stick to my head?

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I have a huge dilemna. I am 25 and live with my parents. Up until now everything has been good. What sucks is that my boyfriend of years has decided to move to Dallas and I really want to move with him. I have already decided to quit my job, but now I have a tough choice. I have to leave my parents house. They are probabaly going to disown me and will take everythng from me (my car, my phone, and my computer) because they bought everything. I am 25 and depressed and want to change my life. My boyfriend is now telling me that if I don't get up there soon then he wants to break up and move on. Which kills me cause I really love the guy! Now I don't know what to do . I ask my friends nd they tell me to follow my heart. So if I follow my heart I will move. Any advice?




  1. First, do you see you spending the rest of your life with your boyfriend?  If you do at some point you would have to leave.  Your parents should be supportive of you doing something with your life, and making solid choices.  Talk to them and explain what you want to do, your plan.  It sounds to me that your boyfriend is trying to get you to make a choice, so yes follow your heart, if you feel it's right, and this is where you're meant to be then go.  If you don't, don't it's a lot easier to end something when there is a distance between you.

  2. Hey Cardin,

    It must be a really confusing decision to make. But, I'll give you an example: Would you choose to dive into a river without first learning to swim? Such a foolish act could be harmful—even deadly. Think, though, of how many people jump into marriage with little awareness of how to take on the responsibilities involved.Having a mate with whom to share life's joys and sorrows is truly a blessing. Marriage can fill a void caused by loneliness or despair. It can satisfy our inborn craving for love, companionship, and intimacy. true, being married can solve some problems. But it will introduce some new ones too. Why? Because marriage is the blending of two distinct personalities that are perhaps compatible but hardly identical. Now also think of it this way: Problems give a husband and wife opportunity to show the genuineness of their love for each other. To illustrate: A cruise ship may seem majestic as it sits idle, moored at a pier. Its true seaworthiness, however, is proved at sea—perhaps even amid the crashing waves of a storm. Similarly, the strength of a marriage bond is not solely defined during peaceful moments of romantic calm. At times, it is proved under trialsome circumstances in which a couple weathers storms of adversity.And To do so, a married couple needs commitment, for you must know that God purposed that a man would "stick to his wife" and that the two would "become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) The idea of commitment frightens many people today. Yet, it is only reasonable that two people who truly love each other will want to make a solemn promise to stay together. Commitment accords the marriage dignity. It provides a basis for confidence that, come what may, a husband and wife will support each other If you are not ready for such a commitment, you are not really ready for marriage.  If you want more information on the subject i recommend for yolu to go to the link below ( thje 1st one is about what i was telling you about ) ... ( the second one is an index that also talks abnout other very usefuil articcles )  Hope it will help! : o)

  3. I will offer the same advice that I would to any young woman your age.

    You need to learn to live independently on your own BEFORE you go moving in with any man.

    Here you are at home effectively turned into a prisoner by your own parents because they will take away all of your worldly possessions if you move out. If you do move out to be with this man, you will be moving from one situation where you are dependant on the support of others, right into another one. It will be the same set of circumstances, just different surroundings.

    If you continue with this pattern, you may find yourself feeling trapped in a loveless relationship afraid to move out because you never experienced independent living, so you aren't confident enough to try it.

    If you really want to change your life move, but move to a place of your own & stay there until you know you can make it alone as well as you can with any man.

  4. STAY! hes a jerk and doesnt really love you if hes willing to break up with youjust because of something that stupid! hes obviously not the one

  5. yeah u shouldve moved out of ur parents house a while ago.  and ur parents wont disown though they will most likely stop paying for those things.  u should be able to take care of urself.  go with ur bf, get a job, and buy a car phone and computer on your own.

  6. If your boyfriend is good to you...go with him...if your parents love you they will respect your decision.

  7. If you have the desire to be independent from your parents, then go with your boyfriend otherwise don't.Just follow the decision that you won't regret later on.

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