
Should I force feed my frog if he is not eating?

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He isn't eating and if I shouldn't force feed him, what should I do?




  1. DONT FORCE FEED. it normally leads to a broken jaw (which then leads to a dead frog)

    frog stop eating because of stress (environmental or external)

    Environmental mean there is something wrong with the environment: wrong temperature wrong humidity wrong lighting wrong water depth wrong amount of water etc. or something has changed in its environment such as you've rearranged it vivarium or it no longer feels safe or secure

    external is something like a cat or other household pet or member TV loud noise etc that keeps frightening it. making it feel to scared to eat

    illness. well there are many illnesses that make frogs stop eating such as impaction or internal parasites etc.

    if we knew the species age s*x and set-up information (such as temps humidity and how the tank is set up we might be able to help more

  2. DO NOT force feed the frog- doing so would not stimulate its appetite, but would stress/injure/kill it.

    The frog isn't eating because you are not caring for and/or feeding it properly. The solution is to read some books on basic amphibian care, and figure out what you are doing wrong.

  3. If you have never done it before, I dont suggest it, like the one person said, try live , or different foods for him.

  4. I don't think you should force feed a frog. That is normally something done for snakes. Try giving him a different type of food. Have you tried live foods?

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