
Should I forgive a friend?

by Guest66488  |  earlier

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That called me up and threatened me with empty words after I told him to F*CK OFF because he snitched on me twice? I forgave him the first time and I usually dont but I guess that was a slip up on my part. He got me into major trouble with my mom, my girlfriend and my other best friend. I wasn't cheating on a girl. I wasn't really doing anything illegal. I was just drinking at a party after I told everyone I quit. He snitched on me in the past for the same kinda thing and it got a lot of people to ignore me. What's your guys opinions?




  1. Don't be friends with him again. You gave him a 2nd chance already, and he screwed it up. Face it he is not a good friend.

  2. he is a sackfull

  3. thats not a all.

  4. Ditch the hater! :)

  5. Theres a name for ppl like that: Jealous. Stay away from him.


  7. Always better to forgive, but that doesn't mean u gotta stay friends.

  8. drop the friendship. he is just using u. why put ur self though the drama.

  9. Ok, first question, how old are you?

    If you are under age, and drinking,. and drinking ALOT - I would say he "snitched" because he IS a friend and WAS concerned for you. And no offense, but if it caused problems with a girlfriend, and your mom, then THEY must have been long ago worried, worried enough that YOU told them you had quit - thus, lying to those who love you.

    I should think you would WANT friends who care enough to go to mom and say hey "Jim Bobs been drinking again" and I know, Jim Bob isn't your name, but hey.. I had to use something there.

    People who aren't your friends, and don't give a rats behind about you would simply say, "Drink up bud! And don't worry, You can drive home when you're done."

    Those are the ones that will be dancing on your grave to "honor" you once they have helped kill ya off. This other guy who you call a snitch, obviously cares about his friend. I think you should forgive him. And then, take a nice long think about things, and ask yourself if you perhaps DO go over the limits when you indulge in drinking, that would cause worry from your FRIENDS and FAMILY.  (Honestly, I think you know there's a problem with your drinking or you wouldn't feel the need to lie to anyone about it.)

    If you think you possibly do have problems with alcohol, then look into getting help. For yourself, your family and your REAL friends.

    Good Luck!

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