
Should I forgive him or keep ignoring him?

by  |  earlier

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I have a friend I have not talked to in a month. He did something that made me quite mad. I found out that he lost his youngest daughter a few weeks ago and since then he has sent a letter of apology and flowers to me. I have not responded. He has sent me a letter of apology via snail mail and apology emails and I have not responded to those also. He keeps asking me for forgiveness he says its important to make amends and hes really humble now, after losing his daughter. I dont know if I should respond or just keep ignoring him. I am wondering if I am doing more damage to him by ignoring him or if I should just let him sort out his life.




  1. He lost his daughter and he's apologizing to you?

    Uh, why?

  2. Uhh can you like give it a detail, like what did do to 'loose his daughter'? Because otherwise I'm going to assume that he probably murdered his daughter or gave his daughter away to someone else to take care of. And for your answer, YES I think you should forgive him.

  3. Wow if he lost his daughter I think you should be there for him.

  4. It would be easier to just forgive him and let go of  the energy you are wasting by being angry with him. Especially since he has just lost his daughter his apology is more than likely genuine. You can still forgive without allowing him back into your life.

  5. Wow he must have done something really bad! Remember to be compassionate to him because the loss of a child is the hardest thing for anyone to go through and it sounds like he could really use a friend right now. Life is too short to be mad and he is asking for forgiveness. Just try to put yourself in his shoes for a moment.

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