
Should I forgive my boyfriend?

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I'm 15 and my boyfriend and I have a 2 1/2 month old daughter. Recently I just found out that he's been "just talking" to another girl behind my back. He said he's sorry and he'll never do it again blah blah blah and he just wants me and our daughter back. I'm not sure if I should break up with him because of what he did...or if I should give him another chance for the sake of our daughter? What would you do? Any advice is appreciated thanks!!!!




  1. You have placed yourself in a untenable situation..You are not married,,and he has no reason to remain faithful to you.. Sorry to say, your future for a successful relationship is at most in his hands..You can demand nothing,,because of what has happened,,and now you are with a child..The best scenario you can hope for is that he WANTs  to remain with you..However,,since he already has a roving eye for other girls,,if not this one or today,,others will come,,and most likely,,he will leave..If he is a juvenile himself,,you  can't even make him support the child.. I'm sorry for your situation,,and I wish I could give you consoling advice,,but your where you are,,and sad to say at your young age of life,,will have to rely on your parents for comfort and support.. I DO wish you well,,but your life is going to be quite difficult for a long while. Try to complete your education if you can,,and advance yourself in life.. Good Luck to You and your child..SOLOMON

  2. both of you are young and the reality is you probley wont be together 3 yrs down the road and dont take this wrong but its true but it doesnt mean you wont be good parents alot of children grow up wonderfully with the parents split up alot better than living in an unhappy home you should never have to make it work it should  just work naturally now in your situation give him another chance but after this no more and start making arrangement for both of you to spend and raise your child

  3. i think that since it doesnt sound like u know whether he had sexual relations or not then give him one more chance but make it clear that if he does anything u consider disloyal from now on then theres no going back. its hard enough being a teenage mother and u dont need a stressful relationship too..just a good supportive relationship to make the best of the situation.

  4. I'd simply tell him. "Ok, thats your freebie. If it happens again, there is no going back. I need a decent support and faithful relationship, if that isn't you I don't have time to waste".

  5. Do you trust him?  Talking to a female isn't really grounds for breaking up, unless there is something else going on.  It sounds like you have deeper trust issues than that.

    It might be a good idea to get some couple's counseling for the sake of your daughter.

  6. The whole problem is you are both fifteen and despite you both are parents you are so young that you are going to talk to different people and you might find your feelings are going to change and you can not stop life but you dont want to cut him off from his daughter thats a immature thing to do so kids you still have alot of growing up to do despite being parents take care now

  7. If you guys are not married, can you really blame him for talking to another girl?  You mention that you are only 15 with a baby.  Boy, both of you never had a chance to live teen years but he & you acted irresponsibly so this changes everything.  You should give him another chance being that he is young but I don't give this relationship much hope.

  8. dump the loser

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