
Should I get 2 rats or a hamster?

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Recently I've decided I would like to get either 2 rats or a hamster. I have been researching a lot about both, but I just don't know..

What are pros and cons of each?




  1. I would choose a rat over a hamster anyday! Rats are actually very smart animals and make great pets. As for the smell, they are easy to bath. Mine got a bath at least every 2 weeks and he never smelled.

  2. if u want a rat only get 1 cause they pee on each other and if there white there going to be yellow!

    so if u go with rats get one!

  3. You should get a HAMSTER ! =)

    but you might want to get 2 so they don't get lonely, there food is more widely available, they play on those little wheels(easy excersise) more stuff available for them then rats, there cute and con is: they bite, but overall there great pets.

    .. Rats sound cool to me to .. my friend has a couple and there actually really cute and fun to play with, but you might have a couple people in your family or a friend that think the idea of a rat as a pet is nasty. just saying but i think you should get 2 of whatever you choose so they dont get lonely.     =P


  4. If you want a more active pet I would recommend two female rats but, if you want a pet you can have them lay on your lap I would recommend males. If you get two males though you have to get them at the same time so they don’t fight. I had a male rat and he was the sweetest thing!

    Unlike rats, hamsters bite and you really can't train them to do any tricks.  

  5. rats:

    pros: affectionate, smart, playful, cute, not smelly, easy to take care of, love to be around humans, alert, quiet, cheap, don't bite, groom you

    cons: mark things with urine, chew


    Pros: cute, easy to take care of, quiet, not smelly, can stand to be without you when you're gone, small, can like humans

    Cons: often bite, aggressive, nocturnal, do not like humans, rather be left alone, antisocial

    so if i were you i would definitely go with rats! trust me i've had at least 10 hamsters and 4 rats

  6. hamsters are more lazy but there very loving and can easly attact to you there both very alike.rats.probally more active and loving also and are can put 2 hamsters together soon im giving my hamster a mate because she gets along with my bunnys,and birds so they can combine.

  7. Well id lie to get a hamster. For me rats are NASTY lol. pick something ur more comftarable with

  8. i think you should get a hamster because rats are just nasty and i had two but in a different cage they are really sweet i love them

  9. Personally i would get 2 male rats (i am going to after things calm down a tiny bit)  

    Pros of rats

    They are very sociable, don't stink, keep other rats out of your house, (males are cuddle bugs)(females are more active),  Are alot more interesting and easier to keep than hampsters.

    Cons of rats

    They require a little more room

    On the hampsters i don't know much. but i do know they stink and alot louder at nite.

  10. Rats are really good pets. I have had rats my whole life. They also last longer then hamsters. I have a hamster and a rat now. You could get one of each and 2 cages. But rats are so better.

  11. I've had rats most of my life and they are the sweetest, cleanest, smartest animal. People don't like them because their tails and what they've seen on TV; it is sad because they are missing out. My friends have had hamsters and always told me how stupid they are and that they've gotten bitten by the hamsters before. I have NEVER been bit by a rat. Just do some research before you decide. And never get one, they are intelligent animals and need a companion. The males pee on each other to mark each other, as they will pee on you. It's their way of saying, "Your mine". They will get bored, fat, and depressed without a friend.

  12. Please don't listen to the person above. Hamsters are solitary animals, you cannot have more than one in the same cage ( unless they're dwarf hamsters )

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