I'm 22, 5'11, slender and attractive. I was born with curvy hips and a slender body, and have a love for bellydancing and keeping in shape. Here's my issue. My body was primed to have a larger chest to keep my body in purportion. as a teenager, my mother always told me to be patient, my chest would grow in time. No such luck. I'm still a small a cup, and have to rely on tricks to make my chest look a little bit bigger. It isn't neccessarily to attract people, but when I look at myself naked, I feel odd and dispurportioned. I've come up with the conclusion that i'd like to get breast enhancement, but I haven't told anyone in the family yet and I'm not even sure how to admit it to myself that I want a prostetic bag of saline inside of my breast. I don't really know how to tackle such a difficult situation; but i'm tired of being depressed when I go bra-shopping, because I know the only things that will fit me is the flat-cloth, which does nothing to emphasize what I already have. Not having a chest makes me feel like less of a woman, and i'd like some advice here.
Is it really so wrong to get breast implants? To want to look in the mirror and have a curve instead of just flat skin?