
Should I get Metroid Prime 3 or Far Cry Vengeance for Wii?

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I really love adventure, action, and stealth games. Does the wii zapper work for both the games? i dont care that much about graphics. I want to know which game is the most fun to play. Thank you!




  1. Metroid Prime is my latest game on my Wii.

  2. omg get metroid far cry trust me i have it isnt nearly as good and thurough as metroid the cnontrols and story and graphics basically everything better with metroid

  3. You need to get Metroid prime 3. Far cry is relly bad trust me. I just got done finishing metroid and the game was awesome. The wii zapper cant be used. the wii zapper can be used on games like house of dead 1 and 2 and resident evil.

  4. Metroid prime 3 is a really good game I think you should get  that insted but I am not sure if you can use the wii zapper

  5. DEFINETLY Metroid Prime 3. It's a perfect blend of intense First Person shooting, and adventure-style puzzles. Far Cry is an absolutely ABSYMAL port.

    Neither game is deisgned to work with the Zapper.

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