
Should I get a Guinea Pig? Also nee some Info!!?

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I'm think about getting 2 guinea pigs but first I need to know about there pellets. Should I feed them unlimited or a certain amount/day? Also, whats wrong with an alfalfa based pellet? Does it have to be timothy based? What do you think about Guinea Pigs? Do you like them? ANY Information is much appreciated. Thanks!!!




  1. yes, u should! I love them!

    they dont bite and they are very affectionate!

    they'll eat as much as they need to. if their food bowl is empty, fill it...they'll stop wen their full.

    Doesn't have to be timothy based, but its good for them.

    I love guinea pigs, there nice! yes, I told u, lol, I like them!

    Find more about them at my site here:

    ...and good luck!

  2. I got 2 Guinea Pigs just a few months ago, and I have to say that they're my favourite pet by far. I've had rabbits, hamsters, birds, dogs ... but piggies are definately my favourite. They're more like a small dog than a rodent, simply because they'll sit in your lap and just cuddle, unlike hamsters which are always trying to get away.

    Alfalfa pellets are fine for pregnant females and young pigs (under 6 months). It's higher in calcium, which can cause bladder stones in older pigs. I feed my pigs unlimited pellets, because they don't abuse them, but many people suggest only 1/8 cup per pig each day, because they're such a small part of the diet.

    As for the cage, the one place you MUST visit is !! It shows you how to make really, realy inexpensive and large cages that only take a couple of hours to make. It also has great tips on toys and bedding.

    I would definately suggest two guinea pigs, they are so much fun! The genders really don't matter as long as they're the same. All those rumors that 2 males won't get along are totally fake. My boys are male, and they are very bonded with each other.

  3. i used to have a lot of guinea pigs. they are awesome. when you feed them, it should be every day or random checks and if they are out, refill. sometimes during the day, they like to go outside (in the cage though) and sit in the shade. if you do take them outside, don't forget about them. check about every hour to make sure they are still in shade. if they are in sun for too long, they will die. trust me. i have made this mistake numerous times and you will feel terrible. also, when you make sure they are in shade, fill up their water bottles.

    i'm sorry, i don't really know about the pellets, someone at a pet store would know better than anyone on here unless they work at one. i fed mine lettuce and carrots for treats (as well as pellets). they love those veggies.


    if you get a male and a female and she gets pregnant, split them up. the male will frustrate the female and cause her to eat the babies when they are born (especially if it is her first litter). this happened to me once. before i knew.

  4. my adivce is there great they can be very shy but that is because they have excellent hearing

    i recomend this buy this e-book and its better than any i have bought be fore

    i give mine a hand full of food a day thry normally squeak when thye are hungery they get apples carrots and much more

    i give them the supa guinea food i find this best because then they cnt pick out all the different foods they like

    i have too boys atm and aan tryin to get my mum to buy me more

    if you want any help email me at

  5. I got my guinea pigs for my birthday in May. They are great pets!  I own several cats, and dogs but my guinea pigs are my favorite. For pellets I give mine a scoop a day, and I get just the kind that they sell at my local pet store. They also need timothy hay (an unlimited amount), fresh water, and vitamin c. I give my girls an orange slice every other day for vitamin c, you can get water drops with vitamin c, but it makes the water taste funky therefor making your pigs not drink as much which is bad.  They also need fresh veggies everyday, I give my girls about a cup a day. Glad to hear your getting 2, as these animals are very social. I would suggest getting 2 females because they generally get along really well. Make sure you don't get a male and a female unless you want baby pigs! ... otherwise guinea pigs are great pets who love to be cuddled and talked to.! Good luck!

  6. Don't feed them unlimited pellets - growing pigs or elderly pigs who have trouble keeping their weight up can get unlimited pellets, but for healthy adult pigs, they'll just get chubby.

    Veggies and hay should make up the bulk of their diet. Offer unlimited timothy hay, and about 1 to 2 cups of veggies per pig. About 1/8 to 1/4 cup of pellets per pig is usually a good amount, but you can adjust it if the pigs are gaining or losing weight.

    As for alfalfa vs. timothy, young pigs can get alfalfa until they're about eight months old. After that, though, the calcium content of the alfalfa pellets is too high for adult pigs and can cause health problems. Alfalfa is also higher in calories. For older pigs that need to gain weight, some alfalfa pellets is fine, but I'd recommend a blend of timothy/alfalfa, since the calcium content is still a concern. Too much calcium can contribute to things like bladder stones in pigs, which is really not something you want to have to deal with!

    Check out these sites for the best info out there:

    Also, consider adopting a pair of pigs rather than buying from a petstore. There are lots of homeless pigs in shelters and rescues. Check and enter your zip code. Choose the "small and furry" category and type "guinea pig" under "breed."

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