
Should I get a HDTV or Surround Sound?

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I'm currently using a 21inch SDTV with composite cables to play my Xbox 360 and watch DVD movies.

I can spend around 300 euro max. With that money I could get a decent surround sound setup like the Logitech Z-5500.

I wouldn't get a very good HDTV with that money though. I feel like it would be a good idea to wait 6 months/a year for the prices to drop even further.

Should I go for the HDTV or surround sound first? (I can only afford one of them!)




  1. The op stated that he can only afford one. Really comes down to personel choice which one you have first.

  2. Go for the HDTV.

    Most games have OK sound, but the step up from standard def to HD video is amazing.

    Not only will your games look better - your HD TV watching will take a huge step up.

    Also - switch to an SVideo connection from the xBox and this alone will give you some improvement until you can get the new TV.

  3. You are describing the 2 different parts of a complete home theater system, video and sound. To do it right you need both!

  4. Good sound adds a ton to movies and games especially if you haven't had surround sound before. It comes down to what you would prefer. Some people are more visual than auditory and vice versa.

    My personal opinion is that you would fare better with the sound system other than a low end HDTV.

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