
Should I get a Sportster or a vasectomy?

by  |  earlier

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I think the vasectomy would be more fun, but my friend thats a HDtard told me to get a Sportster.





  1. This question is a don't have any "friends"

  2. for a top contributor as your little sign says, Harley bashing is hardly what I call constructive, you sound a little insecure, save the money for the vasectomy cause you ain't got the balls to do anything except write c**p, where you can hide behind your web name. I myself don't care what you ride, but a d**k is a d**k even without the balls.

  3. Dial in the suspension to hard. Ride like the devil is after you and you'll get your "do it yourself" vasectomy over time. Sounds like the best of both worlds for you.

  4. Get the vasectomy first. With the money you save from not making babies you can probably get a bike.

    Not to mention "chicks dig Harleys". Maybe you can sling all the co*k you want. LOL!

    I believe in Harley circles, little sporsters are chick bikes. Think bigger!

    This was a joke, don't get bent.

  5. its just plain bad luck for the rest of us that your dad chose the sportster when he had to make the same decision as a young man.

    I'm sure he's had many occasions to regret it & wish he had went for the vasectomy instead.

    we all make mistakes.

  6. A vasectomy will take you farther and cost you a lot less.

  7. i think preventing you from reproducing benefits everyone, you buying a sportster would benefit you (because you'd see what a real bike is all about)

    do the vasectomy and benefit man kind

  8. Vasectomy, definitely. Quite frankly I'd go for full-blown castration.

  9. how about getting both but if you get a vasectomy make sure it is useful

  10. Maybe you can get a 2 for 1 special and get a lobotomy too

  11. the vasectomy would be much more fun...

    tell your friend to try a "real" bike on for size...

  12. And should I get a lobotomy or just hang with you for an hour or two?

  13. You would have to own a set, and since you dont maybe buy a skirt first.

  14. Cost wise, the vasectomy is your best bet if you are planning to never have children. The procedure will generally cost about $750 which includes one on one time with the doctor to talk about performing the procedure that can never be reversed and the procedure its self. About 4 weeks later you will need to go back to the doctor and have lab work done to check your sperm count. This will cost around $100. This is normally done in the doctors office and will take at the most about 4 hours.

    A Sportster can be found for about $1,000 on the low end and more then $10,000 on the high end.

    Both will give you many years of 'fun'. But with many things, nothing is worry free.

    Think long and hard (no pun intended) about the vasectomy.  If your religious, speak with your local religious leader, there may be church sanctions that will be violated with the procedure. Speak with your parents, they may be looking forward to having grandchildren. Talk to your sexual partner married or not. They may want a child with you at a later date. Also think about the history of your family. You may be the only one to carry on your family name.

    The bike, there are many of them. They will come and go. Your taste in bikes will change too. They can always be had and be changed out as your need and desire changes. Sportsters generally maintain their value and can be resold to recoup you money.

  15. You need a pair of bollox before you have a vasectomy.

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