
Should I get a brace?

by  |  earlier

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I have a major slouching problem. I use to slouch all the time during my younger years, and now I see why my parents told me not to. I am a 19 yr old female, do you think I should go see a doctor and get a brace? If there is such a thing. How much do you think it will cost me? I just got insurance of blue cross/sheild.




  1. um, you should try just sitting up straight for a while. if that doesn't work, go to the doctor and ask about scoliosis, but i brace might be a good idea.

  2. Get your kinky @ss down to the doctors and get this problem sorted our regardless of cost!!!!!! Heres a buck to start ya off $

  3. At your age a brace will do little to nothing for you.  You can strengthen your muscle.  You may have kyphosis you need to see a doctor.
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