Okay so here's the deal. For my 16th birthday, my parents are letting me get a car, I would still have to pay for half but still I would get a car. Ive always wanted a car basically since I was 5 and on but lately ive been seeing my options for schooling after highschool and a car just wouldnt fit in. In BC, Canada you can apply for your L (Learners) license at 16, and before you used to be able to get your N (New Driver) in 9 months, but now they have changed the rules and you have to wait about 2 years. So by the time I could actualy drive a car freely, I will be out of highschool. I couldnt really take it to univercity since parking is a monster price at like $500 per term, Gas is $1.50/Litre, and Insurance will probably be more than the car is worth. Plus if I pay for half, I will basically spend all of my money in the bank to get the kind of car I would like. Wasted money right? Yet, Im still not sure.