
Should I get a ferret or a hamster?

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Hi I am confused and I dont know what to get a hammy or a ferret please help!?




  1. It depends on your life style, ferrets need a lot more attention and money, they can get very expensive with food, supplies, and medical treatment, hamsters are easier to care for but they sill need a lot of attention.

  2. Get a hamster.

    Ferrets require a large cage, a cagemate of the same s*x, lots of time outside the cage, lots of money for the vet, and a specialized diet.

    They also live about 10 years. It is a long commitment- an eighth of your lifespan!

    A single Syrian hamster lives around 3 years, and are much cheaper to house.

    Syrians need to live alone, though. Any hamster not labeled as a "Dwarf", specifically, is a Syrian. Teddy bears, Black bears, Pandas, etc.

    You can find tons of information on here, or use Google search.

    Good luck!

  3. ferrets are fun however they p**p all over the place and steal things. Hamsters are cute however they are also lazy. For both aniamals you need a lot of time for so either way I think you should get the ferret. You can but them in bags and go into stores( i did it several times...its fun) and hamserts can't dress up and teach them tricks and what not Good Luck=)

  4. Get a rat! They're much more fun and playful than hamsters, but not as much work and/or money as a ferret. Dumbo rats are really adorable ^_^

  5. get a fancy rat, they're much much more fun and cuddley

  6. a ferret. they live longer, and they are awesome!

  7. ferrets are alot more exspencive,but cooler.. so go with the pay budget

  8. Ferret-they are really cute, but have a musky smell, you'll have to buy bi-odor and/or baths. They are really playful, too.

    Hamsters are really cute too, but they do not live as long, and they cannot be handled as much.

  9. It depends upon what you want in a pet.  ferrets are very very a kitten on steriods except they stay hyperactive their whole life (during waking hours)  They are not very loveable..mainly you watch them have fun..they can be very entertaining. Ferrets are "high maintainence animals"

    Hamsters are quiet and well behaved...loveable (but not as much as a really nice cat) easy to care for except for running on their wheel they are not especially active  

    both like to have at least one companion but they get along very well by themselves.   Good luck  be a good responsible pet owner.

  10. Ferrets are more playful but expensive you have to pay for expensive cages,medical bills,lots of attention need to spend more money,if they run away you can probably catch them. Hamsters are cheaper,playful [depending on what breed]. Are small and cute.

    I have two robo's :].

    Its really your choice.

  11. It depends. Ferrets are a LOT more work, and MUCH more expensive them a hamster. They're pretty high maintenance animals. They're NOT the pet for everyone. They require rabies shots, and can develop several medical problems that can result in high vet bills. They need a large cage which can be a bit expensive. They live longer than a hamster does too.

    Unless you're going to do months of research BEFORE getting a ferret, please don't get one. They're wonderful pets, but not everyone is fit to care for them properly.

    I wanted to get a pair of ferrets. I researched and talked to other ferret owners. Although I wanted them very badly and knew I would love them greatly, I simply do not have the time, space, or money to properly care for them at this time. Hopefully, in the future, I will. I did my research before I decided to get them, and I'm glad I did.

    So, to sum it all up, I would recommend you get a hamster.

  12. if i was you i would go with the ferret. but i live in CA and they are illegal here =/

  13. Im in love with ferrets.

    they are so adorable and cute and very playful.

    Hamsters are easier to take care of, but can't play as much

    as ferrets can.

    If you want a ferret, be sure your ready to take care of it.

    it's very difficult.

  14. You should get a pet rat.  They are so smart and affectionate.  Also they hardley bite where hampsters can be a bit nippy.  Ferrets are sweet also but they can smell and they are alot more work.  I never thought I would like a rat but after doing some research I decided to buy a pair for my 4 year old daughter.  They do best in pairs of the same s*x.  Females are generally smaller and more active where males get a little bigger and make good lap pets

  15. ferret theere more playful

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