
Should I get a guinea pig or a hamster.?

by  |  earlier

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What are the pro's and con's?

How much would it cost to set up a cage?

What do I need?

Witch smeels the least?





  1. Okayokay.

    They're both very different.

    Let's see how to do this.



    Easier to interact with then hamsters because they don't bite.

    Can be kept in a pair with almost no worries of fighting.

    Communicate with you and are quite interactive, awake most of the day.


    Lives about eight years so you need to make sure you'll want them for that long.

    Can be noisy and this can be annoying.

    Can cost quite a lot of money for inital set up.

    For the cage cost...well, it depends what currency you work in. If you're going to keep them outside, which is advisable, I would say it's going to cost £100 plus ($200 plus) whereas indoors will cost at least £70 ($140) plus.

    You need for outdoor- a cage and a run. For indoor, just a cage. Sawdust, hay, food, chewing toys, water bottle, hutch/cage disinfectent.

    Guinea pigs CAN smell but only if kept outside and not cleaned out regularly.




    Don't take up much space.

    Don't live too long so they're not a huge commitment.

    Are quite quiet.


    Prone to biting.

    Syrians can't live together, dwarfs sometimes fight when together.

    They can smell quite badly depending on the cage.

    For the cage cost, it's about £25-£60, depending what size cage you get. That's about $50-$100 plus.

    You need basically the same as you do for a guinea pig, just hamster food and no hay.

    They CAN smell bad if they're in a tank or they're female.

  2. Hamsters are better. I had a guinea pig. Hamsters are smaller and cleaner and softer. Guinea pigs bite and make annoying noises, stink and need a larger cage.

  3. Hamsters smell the least and are a bit cheaper to set up and look after

  4. If it was me getting a pet I would get a guinea pig. Do you now why? it because You can't play with hamsters in the day because most of the day hamsters are sleeping. Oh and for the people who think guinea pigs bite MORE i'm sorry but you are sooo wrong. I've been reading and they say that guinea pigs rarely bite scratch or claw. And a lot of people and sites say that guinea pigs are better because they stay up to play. I've had a hamster and guinea pig sooo i know what its like!! Sooo the best is a GUINEA PIG. They might cost a lot but they are worth it! Oh and They don't need to have a partner. But  Thats only true if you don't spend time with them.

  5. hamster

  6. First of all guinea pigs rarely bite, it is much more common for hamsters to bite.

    It all depends on your budget. Hamsters are much smaller and therefore everything is cheaper for them. The cage, food requirements and bedding is pretty cheap and so is the hamster.

    Guinea pigs cost more but are larger and more of a pet that you can hug and play with. They are sweet tempered and adorable.

    So it all depends on your budget and space. If you have a small budget and small amount of space then you should get a hamster and if you have a lot of space and some money to spend you should get a guinea pig. They do well in 2 or more though but it is not absolutely necessary.

  7. Personally, i like hamsters, but you should do some research to find out what animal is best.

  8. Hamster.

    You obvisouly havent done any research and you need people to make decisions for you...

    The guinea pigs require ALOT... just a visit to the vet for each piggy is at least 50$ each and thats only to see the vet....

    and they need to be with other piggies... do some reserch first.. LOTS of reserch

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