I am in need of opinions, Ive been thinking of cutting my hair, but before I do I figured I'd ask (although Ill probably get an incredible number of negative responses) I can't tell if my hair in this pic is considered medium or long, but normally its parted to the side a little more (I kinda have hat hair) Do you think I should cut it more, cut it less, let it grow out? Also, how should I wear it? any pictures of any celebrities with hairstyles that might suit me? My sense of style can be horrible (notice the sweater in the pic) I am the one in the middle.
Also, I wonder, should I dye my hair at all? I have blue eyes, should I dye it blonde, or get highlights? My hair does get natural highlights if I stay in the sun, should I stay w/ that. A lot of typing I know, sorry, but I need some opinions if you can spare em. I don't know if there is someone professionally that can give me this advice, because I plan on doing some modeling (Im sure I could model some surf stuff, Ive been told I look like a surfer) Where do people go to get advice on how to look before modeling?
Also, last question, what shape head do I have, I hear that some have square, some have circle, anyone know?