
Should I get a job at Ruby Tuesday's?

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I currently work at a "mom and pop" diner. I love my customers, but the business itself is run very poorly. My boss (who is my aunt) doesn't know how to delegate tasks well. I do ALOT of work (everything from making the food, to cleaning up, to waiting on tables, to running the cash name it, I do it!) I really do love working there..but can't stand the disorganization! I am 18, and am thinking about going into food service, but I have never had a "real job" (only worked for family). There is a Ruby tuesday's restaurant up the street, and I am thinking about applying there. Do you think it would be a good idea? Is it a bad place to work? Do you think I would have a really hard time working there? Like I said..I have never had any other job, except for what I'm doing now. I really love my costomers and talking with people, and just keeping myself busy.

Any advice for Ruby Tuesday's? Would waitressing there be harder than what I'm doing now?Do you think I could hand it?




  1. If you do switch to working at Ruby Tuesday's, make sure that your regulars know where you will be going. It makes a big difference in tips when people feel like they know you.

  2. If you can better yourself and make it better go for it.. When i say better yourself i mean money wise and maybe become a manager too....You can do it, we believe in you...

  3. do it, the experience will do you a world of good, who knows... maybe you'll be able to go back to your old job with some fresh new ideas about how to do things and make it better

  4. move on

  5. ok ruby tuesday likes to lye about your work schedule and they like to do it the last moment. and the mangers are not really smart and know what they are doing. i tryed to work there and my friend tryed to work there. we both quited. and yes i think u can handle it. but the one i worked at sucked. im sure its not like that everywhere. and waitressing over there is very busy. if u like the lunch rush and dinner rush atmomphear then go for it. good luck ok

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