
Should I get a kitten or a ferret?

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I don't know I want one for my birthday and my parents dont like ferrets, and are on the verge for a kitten. I also have a shih-pom dog WHAT SHOULD I DO???

p.s. If you choose cat, what breed. I think i like the ragamuffin




  1. well its your decision, it all dpeends on what youre looking for.

    If you are looking for fun, ferrets all the way! they are lovable playfull little things that amuse yuo for hours on end, you dont need to entertain them they do that for themselves as long as they have space. The hard part is the caring and cleaning but if youve ever had gerbils or hamsters its no problem. As long as theyre litter trained you are doing no more work than you would a cat except for washing the blankets in their cage every week. They are just as expensive as cats however theyre are prone to having pretty expensive illnesses at some point.

    Cats are how you say easy. Gerbils are more work than cats but sure your kitten will be hella playfull so you'll basically have a ferret in you house for a few months. Then they quiet down and become lazy, less cute individuals. Still a joy to have in your house one you have it you wouldnt wanna change it for the world. They are quite destructive sometimes and get into everything to take naps and youve always goto consider the possibility of it being runover by a car, especially ragamuffins and ragdolls are prone to wandering off and never returning. Medical wise they have the same amount of vaccinations as ferrets. But cat are cats, you might not be its only owner, it might not even like you but since if its a kitten theres not much reason not to.

    See it all depends if you want a quiet lazy companion, or a crazy entertaining fuzz ball. Ferrets do not smell anymore than cats once neutered and as the person before said bathing makes it so much worse. Dogs can smell worse than ferrets, everthought of that. And they sometime bite but for different reasons, most bites dont hurt, unless the ferret is in an uncomfortable situation or is extremely hormonal such as pregnant/in season they wont bite your finger in half. They sometime nip during play because they have tough skin and when they play bite eachother it doesnt hurt, so humans are just meldramatic when it comes to biting due to our soft tender skin.

    Its pretty obvious im more on the ferret side but you are an individual and you need to understand ferrets. If not and you get mad when they steal your tampons instead of laughing and stress when they bite you in excitment, then get a cat.

    Ferrets are theives but they most of all steal your heart.

  2. ferrets are awesome I would get one totally. BUT its a lot more work to care for then a cart.

  3. ferret there way better

  4. I would get a kitty.  Maybe later, when you have your own place and are able to provide all the care a ferret will need (they're a whole lot more to care for than a kitten).  But for now, enjoy the cuddles of love you will get from a kitty. Yes, they grow into cats, and cats are cuddles of love, too.   As for breed of kitty,  a pound kitty.  There are so many unloved kitties out there dying to have a loving home like yours. Give one (or two) a chance, you'll be glad you did.  Good luck :-)  

    p.s. I also have ferrets and the are smelly and NO you don't bathe the smell away !  They are a not-so-distant relative of the skunk.

  5. Cats are very nice. Ferrets will bite, they stink, and only live for about 3-4 years. Cats are smart, easy to care for, and don't stink. I would recommend cats. Most dogs will get along with any cats. Cats Rule!

  6. You should get a kitten because ferrits cages are way to hard to clean, and kittens are way cleaner, like all you have to do with them is feed them give them water and clean there litter box everyday.

  7. I'd go with a cat, breed is up to you but take my word, if you choose a farret dont let them loose cause they'll steal! cat's are a more laid back pet, its whatever you think you can handle.

    Good Luck

  8. be warned ferrets can have rank body odor, you have to bathe them ALOT. cats are pretty self sufficent and just want love where as you have to entertain ferrets and they are loud at night. good luck happy b/d....

    P/S i love calicos

  9. Personally I wish you would get a kitten.  There are so many

    at the animal shelters that need a good home and someone

    to love and care for them.  I don't think you have too many

    ferrets in shelters.  You would be saving a kitten from being

    possibly put to sleep and the kitten will give you a lifetime of'

    joy.  Please consider this.

  10. A ferret is a kitten on steroids! I personally would go for the kitten if you have that option, but ferrets make great pets too! the only down side is they do have an odor and are pretty messy. An upside is, ferrets stay playful their entire lives, whereas kittens eventually grow into cats and settle down and become somewhat independent.

    Learn as much as possible about both of them and then decide which one you want.

    Good luck!

    P.S. - You do NOT bathe ferrets a lot, that makes them stink more! It releases oils on their skin, so the above answerer is wrong about that. Only bathe ferrets abut once every 2 months at the least.

  11. it is up to u which ever one u think u can handle

  12. Ferret's or polecats or whatever you wanna call them are ugly. They kind of remind a small opossum. Little rat looking ugly beasts.

  13. Get a kitten they are less expensive to get and care for. Plus the vet bills are way cheaper. Ferrets are considered exotic animals. I would adopt a cat if I were you there are so many loving kitties out there that need a home. Visit your local animal shelter. You will feel good for it I promise.

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