
Should I get a new guitar or get more equipment for what i have already?

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  1. If you have a good quality guitar that you feel will last you for a long time then keep it and buy stuff for it.

    If you feel like you could do with a better guitar then buy a new guitar.

  2. it would depend what guitar you have and what you want to do with it. if you got it from a starter pack (like I did) you'll probably want to upgrade once you get better. If you went out and spent like 2,000 dollars on one, then I'd say just buy more equipment for it

  3. Do you like your guitar?  Does it do what you need it to do?  If so, I'd say spend your money on other stuff you still need.

    But if you have a crappy guitar, save enough money to buy one you really like and want to stick with for a few years.

  4. The single best thing you can do for your tone is to buy a better amp. Bar none.

    If your guitar plays well and works, then spend your money on getting other stuff, like a kickin' amp.


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