
Should I get a part time job while attending college full time?

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I live with my parents, and they make enough money to support me. I dont need to work to support myself like some low income families. However, I often find myself becoming extremely jealous of other students who have jobs at the shopping mall or at the school library. I often feel out of place due to the fact that i dont work and many other students do. Should I contunue just going to school? Or should I change my situation and do both school and work?




  1. Do whatever makes you happy.  if you have a hard course load, skip the job and concentrate more on your studies.

  2. the part time job will give u experience. Its good to have at least something on your resume later on, or something to say you're already familiar with when you get another job later on. Plus, parents ask too many questions when they give u money... "what happend to the money i gave u last time?...what are you doing with all your money??"..etc. DEFINTELY STAY IN SCHOOL THOUGH!!! do NOT quit school no matter how much you like your part time job. Maybe look for a work study job...that way you can make your own schedule to fit your life. work study is MUCH more flexible than other jobs, but if u cant get ahold of a work study then a job at the mall a few times a week will be great for a little extra money and some great work experience

  3. You can do both, experience helps. You can apply for freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription, online tuition or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well . List of companies(with websites) offering genuine work at home jobs is available at . Many of these companies have been in business for several years

  4. If you want to work then by all means go for it. You will never have to bother your parents for me and another perk, you can start establishing your own credit by paying your own bills. There are many student credit cards you can apply for that don't charge you any interest. When you look for a job these days right out of college they usually look at your credit score.  

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