
Should I get a rabbit or a guinea pig?

by  |  earlier

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I'm almost 16 and I need to pay for everything myself. What animal is cheaper to take care of?




  1. i would most definitely go with a guinea pig, i have 2 guinea pigs and 2 rabbits... and my guinea pigs are MOST DEFINITELY easier to take care of.... as for price, they both basically cost the same to pay for.... as they need pretty much the same things... but my rabbits are insane, they run around allllllll  night long in their cage, and i get NO SLEEP. when they are running in their cage, they kick the wood chips allll over my floor, so i have to vacuum EVERY DAY! my guinea pigs pretty much keep to themselves, and even "talk" to me.... when i ask if they are hungry, they crawl up the side of the cage and start sqweaking like guinea pigs do... they are so cute, and you can cuddle with them... rabbits scratch your arms all up... like for instance tonight, i was cleaning their cage and had to move them, and they scratched me so bad i was bleeding. DEFINITELY go with the guinea pig.

  2. Alls I can say is every animal needs attention...

    between a Rabbit and a Guinea Pig, I would say rabbit, and not any rabbit, get a dwarf rabbit, theyre smaller and easier to take care of. However guinea pigs are skiddish at first, they make better pets for little children, but for you, I would say a rabbit. they're cool, and get a decent sized cage for him, and get wood shavings, just make sure they're not cedar as it is unhealthy for them, water bottle, food, and your set.

    I would guestamate for a nice cage and the stuff a good $75bucks, depending where you shop, stay away from malls; they rip you off.

    Good luck!

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