
Should I get a small 4x4 truck for winter or keep my car and put winter tires?

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It will be my second winter driving and I just got a job where I have to drive for 25 mins on a 90 km highway. I had a few scary incidents last winter so now I'm nervous about the winter and travelling at that speed. Would a small 4x4 truck make much difference instead of just putting winter tires on my car?




  1. 4x4 truck is going to cost you all year round.

    If you can live with winter tires, that would be the way to go.  In the long run you may want to invest in a AWD car ( my AWD car gets 33 mpg on the hwy).  I can easily climb my 30 degree drive way with full 1 foot of snow.

    Good Luck...

  2. I live in snow country and 4x4 is worth every penny of the extra cost.

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