
Should I get a trumpet or unlimited text?

by Guest31636  |  earlier

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You see 1. I play the tuba, so I have to get picked up after school every friday but, 2. Most of my friends have unlimited text, so what do I choose?




  1. unlimted text  Hey u cant blow into it But you get be like your friends and grow a bond between em u know bein able 32 talk more and besides cool or geek u want cool rite

  2. Hi, I'm 13 and i have been playing the french horn for 4 years. I believe that you should buy the trumpet, and then later on get texting. The Music WILL get you somewhere in life, that is if you try. keep playing. Maybe later you can ask for texting for christmas, or your birthday, if you want it that bad. If you dont buy the trumpet, you will regret it later in life. i promise. My dad used to play the alto sax and while he was in college his parents asked him if he wanted it, and he said no. they sold it at a yard sale, and he deeply regrets it. buy it. you will be happier with it than texting. i promise.

  3. Well, if you're very dedicated to your band, then I'd choose the trumpet. Also, text messaging can lead to overusing your phone and not have much time with other people. The trumpet is a good way to express yourself with music, I think you should get it, but your choice. Good luck! (:

  4. Get the trumpet. Unlike texting, playing an instrument could get you a career someday.

  5. trumpet, no doubt.

    the last thing ANYONE needs is unlimited texting. that's what you have a computer for.

    and the trumpet is the most rewarding instrument I've ever played.

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