
Should I get an air rifle or a rim-fire rifle?

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I was thinking of getting my first "rifle" to use for mostly plinking and maybe the occasional varmint that would try to eat our garden. I just wanted to know which would be the better purchase, and I am looking for good accuracy. They are somewhat simialar in price the rim-fire being a little more. What are the pros and cons for each? I was looking ar the remington 597 and something from gamo, but since I don't know much please give suggestions. I live in wisconsin and was wondering if I need a license for either of these. Thanks for the help




  1. look into an Airforce Condor or Airforce Talon

  2. get a 22 and if you are in the suburbs use cci target 22 shorts in it since they will work in any 22 just cycle them in the bolt manually and they are as quiet as a 1000 fps pellet gun

  3. remington 597's are one of the most popular .22's on the market. the other being a ruger 10/22.

    i personally own a 597 in the standard grey and it's a great plinker/varmint control gun.

    they're not loud, very easy to operate, and overall a great entry-level gun.

    easy to mount optics like scopes and red dots to your liking.

    .22 ammo is VERY cheap, but i suggest you experiment with different brands before selecting one. mine doesn't like the very cheap ammo.

    with the air rifle, you get a lot less noise but with it less power.

  4. (Q1. I live in wisconsin and was wondering if I need a license for either of these.

    (A1. No.

    (Q2. Should I get an air rifle or a rim-fire rifle?

    (A2. It really depends on where you live, where you'd be shooting, and what you'd be shooting. I can't answer that for you. All I can do is tell you the merits of both types of rifles and let you decide which one you want to go with.

    Air rifles are generally not considered firearms. They also don't carry as far. Which means they're less likely to get you in trouble for shooting one in suburban or urban areas. (Check with your local police to be sure its legal.) They also allow you to shoot a lot extremely cheaply, even cheaper than a .22 will. And depending on your state you may be able to legally hunt small game with a high-power air rifle.

    A .22 is the traditional starter rifle. Its inexpensive to shoot, has a mild recoil and report, and has ammunition that is generally cheap enough to let you shoot a lot. Not only can you shoot it a lot fairly cheaply, its also a fun round to shoot. It also makes a far better small game rifle than any air-rifle. I'd characterize it as the perfect small game cartridge, but I'm a fan of the .22 so I might be a bit biased. That said its also a lot more dangerous. .22 ammo will carry for up to 1.5 miles depending on the angle its shot at. And many cities/towns/villages have made it illegal to discharge a firearm inside their limits. So you'll need to find a place to legally and safely shoot your .22. Finally a .22 is a firearm so you'll need to be 18 and have to not have a criminal record to buy one legally.

    (Q3.I was looking ar the remington 597 and something from gamo, but since I don't know much please give suggestions.

    (A3. For an air-rifle, Gamo's Big Cat and Whisper would both be good choices. So would Crosman's model 2100.

    For a .22, none of the current crop of .22s are bad. However I'd urge you to take a look at Savage's Mk.II/Stevens 300. Its a bolt-action repeater but its going to deliver good quality and accuracy at a reasonable price. Bolt guns may not have the rate of fire of a semi-automatic, but they're also likely to be a bit safer to start out on since you have to manually cycle the bolt to chamber a round. However if your heart's set on a semi-automatic, look at Savage's model 64f. Its a good, no frills gun that shoots and works well, even if it isn't the most beautiful gun ever made. The Marlin model 60 is another good option. And the Remington 597 is not a bad choice. Whatever you choose, pick one that fits you, that you're comfortable with, and that you think you can live with for a long time to come. .22s last a long time if you take care of them.

  5. if you live in an area where its legal to discharge a firearm I would definitely go with a rimfire.  if you are going to try and kill varmint this is the far more efficient and humane way to go.  a bb or pellet gun may just wound them.  you can get a 17hmr savage for $220.  its a very accurate rifle and has quite a bit of stopping power.  Theres also the 22lr marlin that is very cheap for a 22, i believe under $150.  and the ammo for the 22 is much cheaper than a 17hmr.

    theres also one more option, shotgun.  almost never miss and excellent all around gun.  can use if for hunting, plinking, and home defense.  my 12ga 870 mag has had more abuse and been used more than any of my other rifle and pistols, and it still works like it did the day I bought it.  on the other hand this is much more expensive than a 22, 17hmr, or pellet gun.  but it will be the most effective gun out of them all up to about 50 yards.

  6. depends on how far this varmint is away, more then 40 50 yards, i would go w/ a rim fire, depending on the kind of air rifle that you get, it can shoot 1600FPS( which by the way is only 100FPS slower then the FASTEST 22LR round on the market),



    some what cheap

    ammo cheap

    dont need to have a permit for

    not that loud


    not a lot of power after 40 50 yards

    septable to wind drifts



    shoots fine out to about 75 yards

    sometimes more humane kills

    more power


    louder then an airrifle

    more expensive ammo

    more FPS means more deadly, which means more responabillity

    need to have a clean background for it(which means you need a background check

    might need a permit for

    at walmart i can get pellet ammo for 4.40 w/o tax for 500 pellets

    any thing over 40 yards use a rimfire

  7. First off you must be brain washed with media B.S. there is no need to have a permit or liscense until smome Democartic jerk takes your right to own a gun away. I got my first rifle at the age of 12, a Marlin bolt action .22 with a tubluar Magizine. I recomend the rifle if you life in a rural area, you never know if something bigger then a squirl mignt haress you and a .22 is the number one kill of people and animals. More things are poached with this quiet and low recoil caliber. As for models, used .22's can start about 50 dollars and go up from there. Stay away from lever actions in this caliber for they don't hold there value because of the caliber and will run 4 times as much as a bolt action, pump or semi automaic. I like Marlin .22's a modlel 60 runs about 85 dollars new and is a semi automatic with a tube magizine. if you live around people then I have to say buy the air rifle. That is because of range, a .22 is dangerous for a mile and a half from the muzzle verses maybe 200 yards or so. Remington is a good gun but they cost some serius dough normally, if they have gun shows in your area check there fisrt and do your research at one. If not try differnet actions and models, and makers before laying down your money. A weapon should just feel right to you. Be it air rifle or not buy what you like, throw cost to the win and save if you need to. You will thank yourself for years of happy plinking with your new companion. However depending on your age there maybe restrictions on weather your parents need to be around in oder to use the gun. We can thank idots not teaching morals to childern anymore for school shootings. Once again them "good democrats aka gun haters and haters of your right period" take evrey right from you and I think to a degree they might have tried to plan a simlar incident and push to disarm Our great country. I defenf this Nation as a Marine and hate people that knock on guns, they're the only thing keeping our rights that we have. Why youask because human nature fears the guns, puts the goverment in check. I hate politics but we live in possibly the last days of gun ownership depending on who gets elected this fall.  

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