
Should I get an iPod Touch or Xbox 360

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Should I get an iPod Touch or Xbox 360




  1. ipod touch cheaper and if you were going to get a gaming console... why not a ps3 :)

  2. Xbox 360! can a ipod play games...ONLINE! no! can the xbox play music and play games..ONLINE! yes!!!

    Sooo get a Xbox 360 =]

  3. Why get the IPod Touch when you could be playing Halo 3, and Call of duty 4 online?! The xbox 360 has the same stuff as the IPod could download videos, listen to music, play game (online against other people by the way) download much other things and youll have fun playing online on Xbox Live so, get the xbox 360 its way better for about 349.99 the arcade is 279.99, but i hear that itll be 199.99 in the holidays...but trust me,get the xbox 360,youll have a way better time with it! Trust me! :)

  4. Okay. I am going to try to give a true answer while trying to sell something to you.

    First, I will give my honest answer. The iPod touch looks awesome, but I think that you should wait at least a month or two to see if something new comes, because you are going to regret it. I would recommend the iPod touch if you really want something portable and totally awesome. You may want to ditch the white earphones early, though. One of mine fell apart into the cover, the drum, and the magnet. You can get some great in-ear earphones for less than $20.

    If you want the HD experience with great games and awesome sound (if you have a surround sound system), you want an Xbox 360. It has shooting games, racing games, and even simple, yet awesome games like Crash Bandicoot in its selection. So if you really want the big shebang, you should go Xbox 360.

    Speaking of xbox 360's, maybe you wanna buy mine at


  5. depends if you already have an ipod i would get a 360

    but also depends on how often you would use your xbox

  6. Girlfriend, follow ur heart. xD but i perferr the the Touch

  7. Ipod


    get a 360 for sure.

    HALO3 and call of duty 4 should say it all.

    I just ordered one! funnest thing ever i regret every minite of my life i spent playing other games beside 360.

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