
Should I get ankle braces ?

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Well I sprained my ankle once and my said I should get ankle braces. So i want to know if there worth it or not and if their comforable and what brand to get.





  1. really if your ankles dont bother you very much con't get them. They actually make your ankles weeker because you start to rely on them

  2. I sprained my RIGHT ankle over 5 times, so when I play  I need a brace. I JUST got a new one. Its black and it slips on, and then has wraps for extra support, I got it at chicks for $10

  3. are you a p***y? yes, yes you should get them, if you want to reduce the risk or injury it is better to get them now before you get hurt. But you should also know that if you are wearing ankle braces and do get injured, the brace can transfer pressure into your leg resulting in a break as opposed to a sprain.

  4. Oh my goodness! Are you Okay? I'm really sorry that you sprained your ankle! I hope you feel better!

    First off...YES you should get ankle braces!

    All volleyball players should wear ankle braces!

    They are really worth it! It reallly does help you and prevents many things!

    When I first got my ankle braces It didn't feel comfy...after a short while ( 2 practices) i got use to it!

    TIp- if u wrap your shoelaces around your shoe your shoe gets bulgier and harder to tie!

    A very reliable brand would be

    WITH all the diving and jumping they are worth it!

    Any position from passing-to hitting it would be a great idea!

    HAve fun vball player

  5. I sprained my ankle just once in my whole career. My doctor told me that I was lucky that I didn't break too much. He even hit my heel when he said that I was "okay" before telling me to stay off the court for at least 2 months... and it actually took me four months to recover. It was really horrible when I got down, I heard a huge "Karrrrr" and then my foot was all purple for the following several months.

    My doctor provided a bulky ankle brace and asked me to wear it "whenever you play volleyball again". I had it for about one year before tearing it apart. Then I had a new Chicks Sporting Goods having grant opening 3 miles away from my house, so I got a pair of Active Ankle T2 ($40 each, less promotional $ off).

    You can get ankle support stuff from almost all sporting goods stores, and Wal-Mart, but Active Ankle T2 is said to be one of the best. You can get them in white or black. They are flexible, and light-weighted. I stepped on some "more feet" after that but next had any damage again.

  6. I would wear an active ankle for as long as you need it or until you recover. Don't wear it longer than you need to. If you get used to it, your ankles will be weak for as long as you play and playing without them wouldn't be an option. My sister wore them on both her ankles after an injury and has had to wear them ever since. I had the same kind of injury and never wore them and since then my ankles haven't given me any problems.

    Good luck!

  7. ankle braces only make your ankles weaker! you won't be able to build ankle muscles for jumping and running!!

  8. you can do that or just get your ankle wraped with athletic tape. thats what i did.

  9. ABSOLUTELY get ankle braces. Ankle braces are key in volleyball not only to prevent further injury but as a precaution to any injury. Depending on your position on the court there is a lot of jumping, diving, and often collision with other players in volleyball and therefore ankle braces are completely neccessary to avoid serious injury. i have worn "active ankle" volleyball braces for three and a half years playing volleyball year round, and haven't had any ankle injuries because of them. i would never play without them. While they are expensive, they work extemely well and give great support and you should only need one pair for your entire volleyball career. if you have had a previous ankle injury, however, i would recommend pre-wrap and athletic tape to wrap your ankle to wear underneath the braces. you can buy the braces at any sports store such as d**k's or even target. hope this helped! get ankle braces soon!

    by the way.. i would not recommend the active ankle t2 braces, they are $20 more expensive and definitely just a complete waste of money. The original active ankle braces work phenominally..

  10. yes only on the ankle thats bothering you

  11. You should get ankle braces, many athletes have to sit out seasons because of ankle problems that could have been prevented. I wear Active Ankles, and i truly think they are the best. They cost about $80 for a pair but they are really worth it, because would you rather spend $500 dollars at the ER? is their website, I hope I helped.

  12. I sprained my ankle pretty bad in 8th grade playing volleyball. the hitter went under the net and I landed on her. I wear active ankles they are comfortable once you get used to them. after I hurtmy ankle i was timid cuz I thought it would happen again. I have landed on other girls under the net since then, but I havent hurt my ankle again while playing volleyball!

  13. people will tell u that ankle braces make you ankles weak. i absolutely don't believe that. my ankles were weak far before i started wearing them. I have sprained my ankle also. During a tournament my ankle brace completely saved that same ankle. I don't know how long i could have been out for if i didn't have them on. I have a brand that allows u to change out the color on the side. it's cool cause i'll put green during school season and then red, blue, or white for club season. they work really well.

  14. You need something that covers your ankles, as far as footwear goes - and to be aware of what situations in which ankle sprains happen. At the net, when blocking or spiking, and landing on the other's foot/feet. You try to stay clear of the other person.

    The other situation is when you slip.. when you run for your spike and slip along the way... So maintaining your balance is important.  Proper treatment of an ankle sprain, at the time, is important to know.  So read up about treating it properly, and have the bandage ready...

    The first strain is always the worst --- hopefully you'll find that any further ones are just inconvenient, and don't do any serious damage --- because you are wearing some kind of protection...

  15. i sprained my ankle twice during volleyball!!! and got ankle braces so that way i dont sprain it again!!

    so i would really suggest to get them!

  16. i think you should get an ankle brace only because you wouldn't want to hurt it even more!

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