
Should I get another dog?

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In my life me and my brother have had a few dogs.Are first one died. I was in kindergarten. Are next dog was small but mean. He ran away. The next dog we had was always dirty so my mom sold him. Back then I didn't know how to give a dog a bath. The next dog was my favorite. She loved me alot. I bought her with my own money but then the same night my brothers friend gave him a dog. My mom said we could only keep one of them and we ended up giving her away. The one we kept always got out of the fence so animal control took him. After that me and my grandma both bought dogs who were brothers. He was the first dog I always took care of. My mom sold him behind my back I thought he ran away but she sold him. I was so depressed that summer. My brother had a dog at the time and he was fighting with his girlfriend so he moved back with us.After we found out she was pregnant so he moved back with her but he left the dog. She is a pitbull. He said he was going to take er all summer but Finlay did 2 weeks ago. I also have taken care of my grandmas and my cousins dog. I'm not sure if I should get another one. My grandma let me take care of her dog while she was out of town. He ran away while there but then he got hit by a car and died. I know I can take care of another dog but after my grandmas dog died in front of eyes I can't stand to see another animal die. I'm 14. It's been almost two years since my mom sold my last dog. I loved him alot. I don't know if I should get another dog. I want to but my mom might give it away it might run away or it might die. What should I do?




  1. I would wait until you are older and on your own.  Then, make sure you can provide a good home for your dog.  They are a lot of responsibility and should not be taken lightly. If you can't train them, keep them healthy, and spend time with them, then don't get a dog until you can make the commitment.

  2. OK, it's not your fault but your family has an appalling history with dogs.  So many who have died, run away, been taken away or abandoned.  It's not fair to have a dog in your family when your mom is so irresponsible. I mean who gets rid of a dog because it's dirty? That's insane! Your mom could actually be charged with animal neglect if someone found out about it.

    Hopefully you can spend the next few years doing some research and learning how to properly care for a dog when you move into a place in your own. But you absolutely can't bring a dog into your house at the moment, it's not safe for the dog.

  3. Do NOT get another dog until you live on your own.  The dogs in your past were not being properly cared for or there wasn't enough time for the people to give them the attention they need,  If dogs have behavior problems or run away its usually because the dog is bored and/or is not properly exercised.  Having a dog is a HUGE responsibility and takes a lot of time and patience.  Dogs MUST be walked 2-3 times a day for 30-45 minutes each time to drain their energy and keep their life balanced.  I'm sure your mom didn't sell the dog to be mean, but rather to give the dog a home where it would get the attention it deserved.  A home where it would get exercised regularly, proper discipline and affection (affection includes: food, water and love).  Unless you are prepared to dedicate yourself 100% COMPLETELY to doing all these things for the next 15 years then you should wait.

  4. Well if your mom is going to give away or abandon the dog, don't get one.  Just wait till you get old enough to move out on your own, then you can have as many dogs as you can afford.

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