
Should I get back into dancing?

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I used to study dance when I was younger (ballet, tap, jazz, pointe) from age 4 (with 3 years missing in the middle) all the way through highschool. I stopped formal training when I graduated highschool. In college I danced off and on for plays and such and taught dance at a local dance school for a year.

But I'm now 33 years old so it's been a number of years since I studied. I have gained weight but have also recently lost about 1/3 of the weight that I gained.

I'm overweight still (5'2" 180lbs), but I sorely miss dancing and I've thought about getting back into it. I'm not talking professionally or anything, just classes and possibly perform with the class in their recital, as an incentive to keep losing the weight.

Do you think this is silly or should I go for it? I think sometimes that I'm too old or out of shape, what do you think? And if you think I should go for it, which type class should I take?




  1. NO you're never too old to dance. It doesn' matter how old you are or how much you weigh. If you love fancing enough make itapart of you. And if you're dedicated enough loose weight if that's what you want. But you're beautiful no matter how much you weigh and 33 is not old. Take it on again, and give it all your heart. Good luck!

  2. lol are you serious of course you should im in the exact same boat you should go for a good style like jazz though something not so low tempo as ballet

    not to mention your gonna look so hot once you drop all that weight and get a dancers body

    im gonna suggest hip hop but thats only cuse i figured you need a laugh

  3. if you wanna dance again then do it. it's definitely not silly. as far as what class to take, just take what you took before unless you wanna try something new. you may wanna start in a beginner class since it's been awhile since you last took a class but depending on how it goes, you may be able to move back up to where you left off faster than you thought. i say go for it :)

    best of luck!

  4. i think you should go for it, it keeps you fit and healthy. Your not too old to dance try going to a adult class in whatever dance you want to study if you don't you'll probably regret it !

  5. I would say "YES" - get back into dancing! You aren't 33 yrs old - you are 33 yrs young! I've been around 20 years longer than you and can say that! Dancing will not only help you physically but emotionally as well. It will give you back some of the self-confidence it sounds like you may have misplaced. Take what ever you enjoy the most - or be adventurous and try something new! Which ever you choose ENJOY IT1

  6. go ahead & start it again.

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