
Should I get back on anti-depressants to make me more social?

by Guest64578  |  earlier

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Two years ago I was on anti-depressants for about a year, throughout my last year of high school, 12th grade. During this time period I was friendly, outgoing, funny, and made a lot of friends. It was the best time of my life. The pills made me feel great, all the time. I took one pill every morning. I decided to stop taking the pills when I thought I didn't need them anymore, and I wanted to handle things naturally, instead of relying on upping my dosage every 6 months. I felt the withdrawal symptoms for a few weeks after stopping. My first year at community college was quite a drag, I didn't do as well as I'd liked, so I ended up dropping all my classes. This year I am very serious about dedicating my life to school, I don't want anything to get in the way, but I also want to have fun and meet a lot of great new friends, just like my last year of high school. I've been worrying, and debating weather or not I should go back on medication. My self-esteem is at a low right now, but I wouldn't agree that I'm fully depressed. I don't like the idea of going back on medication, but I want to Just to up my confidence level. The medication will be more of a confidence boost and a social upper then an actual cure for depression. So, should I do the medication thing again or go about it naturally? I'd love to hear your story if you have one. I'm trying to make the best choice for my future, thanks so much in advance.




  1. if you think taking drugs will make you cool then yea double up mabey you will have twice as many friends or try reality its not that hard  

  2. Anti depressants are just masking the problem. You are becoming reliant on the a/d to make yourself feel good and enjoy life. You should not do this. It will cause you to be addicted. You need to learn how to enjoy life and be social WITHOUT the help of any drug. I think you would benefit from psychotherapy greatly. That is a great way to talk about your issues and to boost your self esteem/confidence. You dont need the a/d. You can do this with talking, will power and dedication.  

  3. Hi,

    I've got the same problem in deciding.  It's not at all easy is it?  I'm looking at some free college videos at the moment which not only show lots of details of each college but also talk to the students there to find out the real lowdown on what's good and what's bad about that college. They've certainly helped me to get a lot closer to making my decision.

    If you're interested, you can see the videos at

    Good luck!

  4. If you felt better when you were taking meds then I think that you should get back on them. I went through the same thing, you know I thought I could do it naturally but it turned out that I could not. Do take meds if you need to.

  5. You could try taking St. John's Wort for a while, to see if that would help you enough to be able to function well. If that doesn't work and you didn't have very bad side effects before, it might be wise to go back on anti-depressants for a while.

    I wouldn't stay on them forever, though, because we really don't know the long term effects of the more modern antidepressants.

  6. i havent had a depression story, but i couldn't help but to answer.  you said you dropped all of your classes in colledge because of depression.  i  dont know what kind of depression your having, but if it were me, i'd go to the doc first.  i know no one likes the docter's but it might help.  you should ask him/her to give you a list of all the anti-depression pills, and have the side effects, and what the do by the names.  i wouldn't take the one you have if it wasn't the best one.  you are right.  you need to do well in school, and dropping your classes wont do.  its a good thing your more focused on school this year.  try your best until you can figure this out.  just focus on things you like!! good luck!!!!

  7. This is something you should discuss with your family doctor (GP).  I don't think it's safe for anyone on this board to say "yes" or "no".  It is a medical question that only your doctor (who knows you and your medical history) is qualified to answer.

  8. I think you should focus on your education, and if you have time, you should join an after school club that you find interesting.

  9. As a former depression sufferer I can tell you that you don't want to depend on antidepressants to let you know how you should feel.

    Just practice being outgoing.

    Complimenting someone can lead to friendship. I met my best friend by complimenting her chemistry skills.She is really good at chemistry.We have been best friends since. Just say hello to someone you don't know.That leads to friendship. The majority of my coworkers on this new job of mine are very friendly and I met them because they always speak to me.And now we're friends.

    Just compliment someone.Say hello. Go to festivals, amusement parks,etc. Get involved in clubs at your school.If you have a block club, get involved.  

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