
Should I get braces? Is it a turn-off to guys?

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Here's the situation: I went to the orthodontist and they told me that I needed to get braces on my bottom teeth because a retainer would not fix them. I would get a clear retainer for my top teeth but the braces on the bottom. If i get them my teeth will be completly straight and I could get them off in 4 to 6 months. I am going off to college and going to be meeting so many new people. What should i do?




  1. Get the braces.  Anyone that wouldnt date you with them on isnt worth your time without them.

    You will smile much better later.

  2. i've got braces and personally, it's worth it so who cares what guys think atm? although some lads i've been with say they like a girl with braces sooo yano ..

    and look at in futuristic terms ... you're teeth will be perrrfect :D

  3. Well, any guy who is completely turned off by them is too immature to be worth your time, for one thing.  And you will need at least 6 months to get into college life without messing up your grades (it is a big change from High School) so no one should be checking those braces right away, if you get my drift.  Good teeth are important - there is no "better" time to get them - just do it and get it over with.  Also you will have something in common with guys who like to talk to women and had braces or knew someone who did or does - so it's all good.  Besides, anyone it does turn off will be drawn to you after you take them off - and you can enjoy telling them what superficial jerks they are! LOL

  4. If you look at your life from a 'big picture' perspective, 4 or 6 months is a mere drop in the bucket.  In 20 years, if you don't get the braces, you will regret it.  The few months of wearing them will be over before you know it, and honestly, if people that you meet do not want to be around you because you have braces on, they are not really worth your time anyway.  Your smile will look great after you are done, and that will last a lifetime!  Much better than being embarrassed about your smile later in life.  My personal opinion is that you should grin and bear it, get the braces and my bet is that you'll be glad that you did :)

  5. get the braces. it's four to six months that become a whole lifetime of perfect teeth.

  6. maybe you could get the Invisalign braces? or even ceramic braces, theyre alot less noticeable than regular braces. :)

  7. I kno how u feel cuz I jst got braces and Im goin into college and I have had mine for  a few months but it makes u feel better guy s still tlk to me and I have top and bottom and I have to wear mine for two yrs it s no big deal and ur only getting bottom ones they probably wnt realize u have them since they will be on ur bottom  teeth u will b fine and I promise no one will be turned off and if they are they r extremly immature. p.s. no one really noticed that I had braces

  8. If you are afraid it will "turn-off" guys, get invisalign.

    Im a guy, and personnaly, no it does not "turn me off," I dont even notice it. I just got my braces 3 days ago, im even more of a "chick-magnet" then I was before lol.

    Its fine, go with what you want.

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