
Should I get circumcised at the age of 22?

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I am 22 years old and am thinking about getting circumcised for cosmetic, health, and hygiene reasons. I want to hear the opinion of men and women on this issue. Also should insurance take care of the costs.




  1. Insurance probly will not cover it unless medically necessary.

  2. Dont circumcised... You will loose sensitivity down there... Just do it if you have a health issue.



  3. My suggestion is trying to obsord as much information as you can before making up your mind,here is a good one.http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  4. No, you should not consider such a mutilation if you are not doing it for a barbaric religious reason. You may have scars and problems for a long time.  There are many medical and health reasons to stay as you are. Hygiene is required whether you are uncircumcised or not. And "cosmetics" as reason is surely a misname.  

  5. Im 18 and uncircumsized and the women dont mind, but if you want to do it for yourself, go for it. Im planning to do it too..

  6. Don't bother.

    Insurance almost certainly wouldn not pay for it, seeing as you are an adult and have no real reason to get it done. Cosmetic surgery is paid for by the patient.

  7. Unless you have medical reasons justifying circumcision there is no reason why you should get it done. This procedure is common and widespread in the U. S. but not so common in other parts of the world.

    Adult circumcision is not uncommon, though it's also not something a doctor will advise unless a man is experiencing certain health problems, such as balanoposthitis, inflammation of the head of the p***s and overlying f******n, or phimosis, difficulty retracting the f******n.

    What happens during an adult circumcision

    Undergoing a circumcision as an adult can be intimidating, but it is generally safe. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, but it can also be performed under local. Healing can potentially be complicated by nocturnal erections, which put pressure on the incision and can cause bleeding (this is usually self-limiting, but can create swelling and bruising). Diabetics have a greater risk of postoperative infection, which is generally a low risk after this surgery.

    Effects of a circumcision on sexual stimulation

    A circumcision can affect penile sensitivity and sexual stimulation. The most sensitive area of the penile skin is the frenulum, the area just below the head of the p***s on its underside. Even with efforts to preserve as much of this skin as possible, some men notice less sexual satisfaction after circumcision. All that having been said, urologists successfully perform many medically necessary -- and cosmetic -- circumcisions in men every year. Because problems are often seen in adults, some urologists are admittedly biased toward neonatal circumcision.

    The circumcision controversy

    Generally, pediatricians or family physicians perform circumcisions during the newborn period. The most recent statement on circumcision from the American Academy of Pediatrics (March 1999) asserts: "There are potential medical benefits of newborn male circumcision; however, these data are not sufficient to recommend routine neonatal circumcision," but adds, "It is legitimate for the parents to take into account cultural, religious, and ethnic traditions, in addition to medical factors, when making this choice." As a result of this stance, there has been a decline in circumcision in newborn males in the United States from 90 percent (in the early 1970s) to approximately 60 percent. This still equates to 1.2 million newborn circumcisions done at a cost of $150 million to $270 million annually, according to Reviews in Urology, 1999.

  8. No.  It doesn't matter whether you are cut or not.  Do you clean it now, yes.  Do you have to clean it then, yes.  Its like getting a nose job, not many people are going to notice you've had it done unless you go around showing it to people.  

  9. yes that flab is nasty

  10. Good for you for having the courage to look into this!  There are many benefits to it, as you mentioned.  I personally prefer to be with circumcised guys and the majority of my friends agree with me on this.  Not sure whether your insurance will cover it or not, probably only if you can get the doc to write that it was medically necessary.  Good luck!

  11. I was done at birth I don't know any other way. I have a good friend who had it done at 40 and he claimed if he had known how much More he would have enjoyed s*x he would have done it long before he did.

  12. If you really, really want to... then go for it. Only if you want to do it for YOURSELF, not anyone else.

    Personally, I don't think it's the best plan. I hear it dulls sensation... no fun, right?

    As a lady, my vote is don't do it. But again, don't listen to us, do what you want to do. Personally, I think the way that men are born is the way they're supposed to stay... the way nature intended it. Hygiene isn't a problem, it only takes a couple extra minutes in the shower to clean up. It's no big thing, unless you don't have time to shower, or you're just lazy.

    If you really don't like the way you look, then do what you want to.

  13. Are you masochistic by nature? if you are go for it

  14. Only if you want to dude it is your desison to have the doctor cut off the skin on your unit. if your not having issues and you wash it everyday it doesnt stink then why fix what is not broken. it works now right? the doctor could cut too much skin off or cut it crooked and it may start to bend to one side or hurt cause the skin on the shaft is pulled to tight. you will have a scar for quite a while because most dudes the are cireced were done when they were babies and have had 20 years to have the scar fade but you will have one pretty prominate for quite a while. think about it and good luck

    curtdud e

    uncut dude  

  15. yup good smart fabulous idea.

  16. Definitely go for it for all three reasons.  Insurance may cover it.  if you are in the USA it all depends on how the doctor writes it up.  You are not the first and wont be the last.  

    here are two groups to join and ask questions:

    over 2000 happily circumcised adults.  

    here are two doctors in the USA that specialize in adult Cirucmcisions

    Main website for Dr. Reed's "The Reed Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Reed:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Reed:

    Main website for Dr. Cornell's "Circumcision Center":

    Patient comments, Dr. Cornell:

    Yahoo group for Dr. Cornell:


  17. Yes you should get circumcised. If you read questions here often you will see a lot of questions from men with health issues from not being circumcised. It all so makes you more open to S.T.D.'s and H.I.V. it will hurt for a few days but you will be glad that you did it. Unless there is a current medical reason for getting circumcised insurance will not pay but it is not expensive to have done.

  18. Look before you leap.      Check out circumstitions, the website, and learn about the downside.

    You run the risk of losing your s*x life.    There are complications and implications that they doctors won't tell you about.    Doctors frequently are members of the minority religions tht try to impose this practice on others, and they make money from it.

    Natural, normal and whole feels and functions better than mutilated, scarred and partial.      How could it be otherwise?

    But, you'll learn for yourself.

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