
Should I get compensation for train delays when I have a freedom pass?

by  |  earlier

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After all it still had to be paid for out of my council tax. I should get vouchers for free travel outside my pass zone as compensation, after all my trip was still delayed by points falier, wrong sort of leaf on line etc.




  1. sure, why not

  2. YOUR Freedom Pass is also being paid for out of MY Council Tax

  3. Pop into your local station and ask for a copy of the passenger charter, all your answers should be in there.

    It's a funny old world though, would you want to claim compensation from the bus company if the service was cut due to road closure?

    And another thought just occurred (sorry I'm not having a pop just typing and thinking), if the delay was leaves or points failure then you will claim from the train company, the train co. will claim from Network Rail and Network Rail is funded by the taxpayer - so in a way you will be paying for your own claim through tax increases........

    But anyway nothing ventured nothing gained!!

  4. Great name you got there mate-gives the game away a bit though.

    No you don't get compemsation when using a freedom pass, you do not pay for your freedom pass except in an indirect way through your council tax so how can you be compensated for something that received for free? Even if there was any compensation due it would have to be paid in the form of a council tax rebate to all the council tax payers in your borough.

  5. So, who pays the compensation?

    If it was infrastucture failure (points, leaves etc), then Network Rail should.  However, your ticket is a contract between you and the train operating company (Virgin, GNER or whoever), not Network Rail.

    In other words, forget it.

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