
Should I get contacts? What are some pros and cons?

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I wear glasses and hate the way they look! I was thinking of getting some contacts. They are very expensive but I was wondering if they are worth it or not...




  1. Probably not because they casue eye infections, they are hard to remove and like you said really expensive!

  2. yes they're amazing . they comfy you don't even notice them and you don't have to worry about scratches or dirty glasses.

    just make sure not to sleep in them

  3. contacts are the best

    you can see all around

    ur peripheral vision

    they wont be comfortable untill u get a hang of them

  4. Pros is that no spect is needed. And cons is that ur eye health maybe affect when u over wear the lenses

  5. Pros:

    Don't get in the way (not as much as glasses)

    When you run or get worked up, they don't fog up like glasses do.

    You don't have to worry about losing them as often.


    They can get dry after a while.

    In the long run, they can make your eyes a lot worse than if you'd worn glasses.

    I roll my eyes a lot because my contacts get dry, so people think I'm annoyed/bored of them when I'm really not.

    The first few months you use them, it's really easy to rip. You get used to how to handle them after a while though.

    I prefer contacts, just because they're more comfortable for me. Good luck!

  6. I found contacts to be a pain. It took me about an hour everyday just to get them in and 20 minutes to get them out. I don't think they're worth it but I only tried them for a week. I also had trouble with the whole poking of the eye thing.

  7. I would definitely get contacts. They are comfortable and if you are concerned about your appearance they will certainly help you. Check out 1-800-contacts they deliver contacts to your door and are extremely cheap. I was expecting my contacts to cost about $30 per month, but instead they were around $35 for 6 months worth of contacts. Forgot to mention that you can order in 6 month or yearly increments. If you buy a year's worth you will get an even better price. Check it out. Hope I could help.

  8. the first couple times you wear contacts, it feels sandy and your eyes might be irritated. its alot more work to have contacts. and also, if your contact falls on the ground and you cant find it, then what. youre probably always going to have to carry an extra set of glasses in case. i say just stick with glasses. talk to your eye doctor about more pros and cons.

  9. Defiantly worth it! Not kidding, get contacts.

    I got contacts when waaaay back when I was in 5th grade,

    and LOVED them.

    The bad parts of them are that you have to take them out every night (Even though sometimes I DO keep them in, hah)

    The good is that you wont have to clean your classes every hour,

    ahah (thats what I hated about glasses)

    Well good luck, hope you make the right decision : )

  10. they are very annoying to take in and out

    stuff gets stuck under them

    it hurts

  11. Its usually worth it to get contacts because if you have good looks and glass seems to make you nerdy then of course you want to get contacts! so u could show of ur face. Usually ppl would get soft contacts but u have to change it every week or some you have to use a new one everyday. If you have a high power i advise you to get a hard contact. it may cost more but you do not need to change it unless ur power change. And its more easy to take care of because u just need to wear it at night before u sleep and when u wake up u can take it out and u'll have perfect eyesight the whole day. But u can also wear it during the day if u want to but u don't have too. Hope i help u!

  12. Contacts are OBVIOUSLY worth it!!

    They aren't that expensive.. Mine are $40 total for a 6 month supply. You dont NEED to buy the expensive ones from your DR. you can buy them online cheap.

    there are no cons in my eyes at all. NO PUN INTENDED ha ha

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