
Should I get corrective eye surgery?

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I am 22 years old and extremely sick of wearing glasses and occasionally contacts. I'm not sure exactly what my prescription is, but I'm near-sighted and my distance vision is very poor. I like to play sports and be active, and my contacts really bother me and are becoming a nuisance. My eyes are also somewhat light-sensitive. I've been considering eye surgery for a while now, but just haven't had the courage to take the plunge. I would like to hear your experience with the procedure with as much info as possible. Also, how did it affect your vision up close, do your eyes bother you, any side effects, cost, glasses or contacts still necessary, things like that. The more information the better, thank you.




  1. i have just had eye surgery for a cataract and found it to be no big deal.admitted into hospital at 0800hrs operation done under local aneasthetic and fully awake.discharged at 1400hrs on condition that i was driven home and didn't live alone.i believe that corrective laser surgery is just as easy but the results are much more dramatic'my operation was done in france under the french healthcare scheme so i paid only 70%.go for it.

  2. Well Im a person that wears glasses and I don't mind them because there s**y. If you are really tired of glasses and contacts then get the eye surgery. Just make sure you know all you need to know before you do it.

  3. I got my lasik done early this yr. If you can afford it, go for it!!

    The surgery takes only around 15 mins...out of the 15 mins the actual laser shots are only for like 10-15 seconds for each eye. Its painless and u wont feel a thing (They put anesthesia drops in the eye prior to surgery) After the surgery, u 'll feel eye irritation and light sensitivity for 3-4 days (max - one week). After that u can be perfectly normal.

    After the surgery u shud take care of ur eyes properly for a couple of put in drops regularly, avoid swimming without goggles, be careful not to let in shampoo / any chemical into ur eye while washing ur hair...etc...etc...

    The whole thing is actually easy and i got thru without any trouble!!

    Hope that helped!! :)

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