
Should I get health insurance or just come in and pay the doctor each time?

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Should I get health insurance or just come in and pay the doctor each time?




  1. You should get health insurance, unless you've got a million dollars sitting in the bank, and don't mind paying six figures if something really bad happens to you.

  2. if the doctor is going to charge you less than $75 per visit then don't get insurance. if they are going to charge you more than $75 get insurance.

    i work for a medical insurance company and the insurance company pays between $75 and $200 per visit and that is not including the copay that they already got from the patient!

  3. If you're young, relatively healthy, and don't have small children, it's not such a big deal to not have health insurance. BUT, you should carry hospitalization for that emergency. One night inpatient in a hospital can run you an easy ten grand, and that can rise exponentially if you have something REALLY wrong! Heck, an ER visit can be a qucik five grand.(Hospital only coverage is also relatively cheap.)

    Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy filings.

  4. Depends on how old you are, how often you visit the doctor and what the expected premiums are and for what kind of coverage.  It is good to have health insurance, because unexpected things can happen, and some people hesitate to go to the doctor because of the cost.  If the health insurance is affordable and doesn't put a lot of the cost back on you in the form of deductibles, it would be good to have health insurance.

  5. You don't really need health insurance for doctor visits. A $100 or $200 doctor visit is not going to break the bank but a $100,000 hospital charge will. You can get health insurance that doesn't include doctor visit co-pays and can usually save enough money to pay for 2 or 3 visits per year. You can also look into an HSA qualified plan where you can save the money to pay for those doctor visits and get tax advantages.

  6. If you don't go all the time, or would like to use it on a emergency basis only, I have a great cheap option for you.  Rather than paying $150 a month.. with a $5000 deductible... how about 30 or 40 a month..and you also get discounted rates for everything health related!

    Dental 50-80% off all services (even braces)

    Vision 10-60% off Lasik included!

    Prescription Drugs 25-50% off

    Chiropractor one free visit and 30-50% off thereafter!

    hospitalization any hospital of your choice.. 2500 deductible...

    doctors, specialists lab work all discounted up to 70%

    Please visit the website, and call with any questions! (my number is under the contact link.

    I hope this helps you!

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