
Should I get homeschooled?

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Should I get homeschooled?




  1. No, it will kill your chances of getting into a good college or university.

  2. Public school is the BEST

  3. it all really depends on you....if you are tired of your school the find a new one to go to! but if you want to be home half the time or just want a new pace then go do what you feel.

  4. You have given no details whatsoever, which makes it hard to give an answer.

    You could homeschool if:

    1) You want to.

    2) You are motivated.

    3) Your parents are okay with it.

    4) You'll take care of all aspects (with your parents' support): academics, social time, physical activity, etc. It is extremely important that you don't just become someone who locks herself up at home all day long.

    5) You know what you'd be getting into and know what you'd be leaving behind and you are fine with that.

  5. If you have a really good reason, like being incessantly bullied, and no help from school administration, then yes.

    In most cases, I think people are better off going to school and developing social skills.

    I'm in Montreal, and we have many immigrants, like a lot of cities.  At my kid's high school, there are Muslims and Sikhs, Jews and Hindus and Greek Orthodox and Atheists and all kind of beliefs.  Going to a school like this, you learn that people are people.  Regardless of beliefs.  Hurray for public school!

  6. If you have some friends that live near you, and you can see them outside of school, and will be able to keep in touch with them, then you may be OK being homeschooled - but as others have said it can make you feel rather isolated.  Personally I think that homeschooling is good if you are a very fast learner and bored at school, or if you want to specialise in subjects your school can't teach - if you are happy at a normal school though, then stick with it.

  7. Contrary to popular opinion, homeschooling does not make you less social. School simply is not the only place to interact socially. There are many positive sides to homeschooling as well. You stay at home and manage your time, you decide when and what you study, no wasted time, etc. Ofcourse, you would need to have a strong character to be independent. So it depends on you.

  8. no i dont think so. it can really set people back socially. a girl who had been homeschooled just came to my school and see has no friends, because she has nooo idea how to act around us. in class she makes a fool out of herself every day, and at lunchtimes she goes on  the computer and writes poems. please dont, its a big mistake. every person ive heard of who gets homeschooled regrets it soo much, becuase they just dont learn proper life skills.

  9. I totally disagree all with all of you that say "people who are homeschooled are socially challenged" and "I'll bet you don't have any friends" You are all wrong. I have loads of friends. Homeshcooling is awesome, and I love it. Most kids that go to a public school that I meet always say something along the lines of "You're so lucky! I wish I could be homeschooled!" That dosen't exactly sound happy to me. So to answer your question, yes, you should be homeschooled.

  10. Have you seen the movie 'Mean Girls' ? lol

  11. Yes I want to but my parents won't let me. All the boys and girls at school suck!!!!

  12. NO!!!  u need 2 learn how 2 deal w/ real life issues and u do that by public schooling. If ur locked up @ home u'll b so confused once ur an adult

  13. up 2 u

  14. That depends on who you are, how old you are, how much you already know, etc....  You give us no information from which to draw a conclusion.

    If you are a student -- then by all means of course you can study at home.  You can be home-schooled at any age.  But if you mean home-schooled for kindergarten through 12th then all I can say is Maybe.

  15. Depends.  I'm not homeschooled, but I do go to an outreach school.  So I'll write from that experience...take it or leave it, hope something I say will help.  :)

    I left the high school I was at because I was just sick of it; the wasted time in class when you do nothing, sitting around at lunch waiting for the next class, the now I work on my own, when I want, where I want.  I do go to the outreach school a couple hours a week (supposed to go for a minimum amount, but as long as I get things done, they're not too picky...) and there's teachers there if I want help.  I'm working a lot more right now, which is really good for me.  

    One thing I've noticed lately is that I'm kinda lonely/depressed (although, I think the reason for this doesn't really have anything to do with leaving the high school).  I didn't have many friends at the high school anyway...but I wish I had the "typical" high school experience, you know, spring break, a nice grad, etc., although where I'm from, you don't really get the "typical" experience as it is...

    You should be very self-motivated in order to get the work done, and you should be ok with that method of learning (teaching yourself instead of being taught).

    I'll be graduating a year early (will probably do some other courses like chem and stuff over the summer/next year).  One of my biggest problems is that I feel so much older than I am, and it's frustrating to know I can do so much, but people consider my age more than they consider "me".  That may seem kinda random...but...that's my lecture.  :)

  16. No, you will not like it!

    and when you go to a normal school you're gonna feel leftout!

    andddd if you're planning on going to college you will have no social life!

  17. The "advantages" of getting home-schooled. Is that, because

    of the "one on one" attention that you get, has been proven to

    get you higher grades, and because of that. You are more

    readily accepted into collages.

    The "disadvantages are. You don't have as many friends.

    Or "unfriendly" eather.

    And there are no "snowdays off." Bummer. <}:-})

  18. If you have a very diligent teacher, then yes. However, I had a friend who was homeschooled and she usually got behind in her work. She ended up being two years behind in her math. But if you have a teacher that will keep up with public schools at the least, then I say you can go for it.

  19. you're not giving us much info here, but the key is do your parents want to do it?  If you believe the answer is truly yes, then go for it.

  20. Hai, IF your parents are loving and capable to guide you in your education then  you should get homeschooled.

    But you must develop friendship with many members of the society.

    As a teacher and an educational philosopher a good homeschool is the best way to get educated.

    Public schools control you. They dont allow you to be free. They decide what you should learn, when you should learn, how your should learn, from whom you should learn, where you should sit, what you should do, when you should speak, who will reward you, who will tell you that you have done a good job. They prepare you to become someone's employee.

    They take away all your initiative and mental freedom.

    I hope you will get a good education.

    Thank you for reading.

  21. I went to public school, a private school and I was also homeschooled [because I chose to]. I wish I continued with a regular schooling though. So I don't think you should get homeschooled ;)

  22. Only if you're a self-starter.

  23. No way. Going to school and being part of society helps you build and establish your interaction skills. Helps build a thick skin and create a common acceptance for the things that happen in the real world around real people.

    It may suck azz at time but it's important to see, feel and deal with these surroundings as they happen. It's better to deal with the realities rather than seeing them only on television.

    you could end up fearful of society and become reclusive or overly shy around people. Interaction is the key to life.

  24. NOOOOOOOOO it is seriously social torture!!!! And plus you wont have any memories of being there and everyone wants to.

  25. if you think you can get a better education go for it! it is an alternative to a bad school or transportation issues. i suppose it has it's pros and cons, make a choice! big-G,,,

  26. As a teacher, I would have to say that public school is they way to go. You get to interact with so many different kids your age and you get to take a break from home. Plus there are so many amazing teachers to meet and be inspired by

  27. NO!!!!!!!!!!

    Its torture

    you will lack social skills

  28. No. You lose many valuable experiences and you miss out on MANY childhood experiences. Such as working on projects with a partner, and making friends.

  29. I am a homeschool mom who majored in Secondary Education, but instead of teaching in a public institution, I chose to homeschool. I think that the general public is very uninformed about homeschooling today, and still relies on the old stereotype of the "shy unsocialized hermetic homeschooler" who never leaves their home and has no friends. It is so inaccurate. My kids are very social and anything but shy! We live in a suburb of Kansas City, and there are hundreds, maybe thousands of other Hschoolers in our small area. Nationwide, there are millions of us. We are active members of several local groups for homeschool famlies, and we take part in at least one social activity every day, outside of our home. Activities are set up and organized by moms through yahoo email loops. Our local homeschool groups offers the following activities to name a small few; Girl and Boy Scout troops, 4H, campfire, bowling, gymnastics, swimming, horseback riding, art, choir, and gym classes, prom, sports teams,  holiday parties, book clubs, a 2 hour long recess time every week, plus park days, field trips, picnics and academic fairs. These are just a few of the many things we do while everyone else is in school). When we are not doing our lessons, we are always on the go, and it is ironic that we call ourselves homeschoolers since we spend so much time away from home! Homeschoolers have the advantage of one on one personalized attention educationally, and we also dont have to waste a lot of time on discipline, paperwork, and busywork. We can get our lessons done in a couple hours each morning, and then get on with enjoying our hobbies and friends. We also have the advantage of making closer more meaningful friendships because our kids have the time for more playdates and outings, instead of sitting, bored and institutionalized behind a desk all day. I find it ridiculous that public schools are thought of as a great place to socialize! How can kids socialize when they have to sit silently and listen for 8 hours a day?? Homeschoolers have the time to learn at their own pace, to spend time with friends, and just be kids, without the pressures and negative influences of public school. Homeschool kids are not hermits and they are not freaky nerds. They are just really lucky kids who get to enjoy life and learning every day. No child is left behind in a homeschool, and socialization is the best reason to homeschool. Public school creates a harsh artificial society where children are raised by their peers. Homeschoolers live and learn in the real world. For more info, read the book; "The Well adjusted Child; The Social Benefits of Homeschooling", by Rachel Gathercole

  30. If you are up to date on social issues it would not be a bad idea to be Home Schooled, but you must keep up with your social issues to be effective.

  31. no u shouldnt.

    u wont get used to people cuz ur not around many different people.

    and u wont learn how to deal w certain situations like u would if u went to a regular school?

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