
Should I get listening to Pop Music, Jonas Brothers?

by Guest45276  |  earlier

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Hi!! My family always tells me that I should get over that, that sooner or later in life I'm going to stop liking Jonas Brother's music, Rihanna's, etc? And maybe they are right that sooner or later I'll get over that stuff, but shouldn't I just live the present? enjoy their music at the present, if that is what I like now? Why stop doing something that I like, if it isn't hurting me, and that will leave me bitter if I forcefully abandon?

I'm not like neglecting my education, church, or other important stuff because of it. I just feel I have the right to enjoy personal tastes even if those tastes are going to change in the future.

Is my line of thought ok? What do you think?




  1. I think you have every right to like what you like. I think your right when u said u just want to live in the present even if you will eventually get over all that stuff. Just do what you do. =)  

  2. This isn't a question for the psychology site. I can't find the question. Sorry

  3. There is absolutely no reason to stop listening to this kind of music at your age. Although classical music is proven to enhance intelligence and IQ level.

      But I say you're still young, so live for today.

      In my opinion, if music is not psychically or mentally affecting you in wrong ways, than I say its no problem.

      Don't worry, you're just like everyone else out there, you're a teenager.

      I see no problem with you're line of thinking, the problem you're facing is just age difference, beleive me, every parent and child have these conversations.


  4. i think it is normal we all like what we like you are an individual with your likes and desires and that's apart of your persona i think you're ok

  5. Yeah, you're fine.  Your family just doesn't want to listen to it anymore... lol...  I think pop music is fun, and light.  You don't have to think about it and it's easy to sing along with.  Nothing wrong with that.  

  6. why do they care what music you listen isn't something that apples to any age grope (although some is aimed at a certain age demographics) Its ridiculous to pick on you over something so trivial as your music preferences  

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