
Should I get mad at him?

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Yesterday my bestie and I were going on a double date. When we got back from the date, we stayed at my house for an hour or so. My best friend, being such a klutz tripped over her feet and spilled her drink all over the guys. My boyfriend, knowing the way, went to the bathroom. After a couple minutes I got up, to check up on them, when i got close I heard the boys laughing,"Duuuuuude Karen's mom is HOTT!"...."Yea, she is definitely a MILF!..."Man, I already called her, anyway you've got the next best thing."..."You mean Karen, naw man, she's like the fifth best thing compared to her mom, I'd like to do her anyday!" I couldn't listen any longer, but instead of checking up on them I just turned back around. Should i be mad at him? I could barely look at him after last night. Should I dump him?




  1. dump him! How gross and disrespectful.

    It is "guy talk" but..he said you were the 5th best thing.


    It's obviously not going to work out.

  2. If you think it is a "serious" relationship, leave him.  If it is nothing serious, just something to pass the time then tell him you heard him and did not appreciate it.  See what he says and go from there.

  3. don't get mad they are just being guys... guys like to strut their sexuality around each other. for real i know this

  4. lol..yea you should do

    but talk to your boyfriend and tell him wat was up with the comment he made..guys sometimes say thing that they dont mean just so they dont seem like ussies in front of there friends..

  5. What you could do, is next time you see him, don't say anything to him and if he gets the hint and sees your mad at him, and asks why or doesn't, just let him know that your mad at him and tell him why and what you heard, and tell him hurt you are. Then dump him, then maybe he'll feel sorry for losing a girlfriend, all because of a perverted talk with his friends. Who knows, when he knows, maybe he'll be sorry and try to get back with you, I'm not saying that's for sure, I'm just saying that's a possibility.

  6. Thats no respect for a girl. So best to dump him b/c maybe he just wants you in bed and not for real love.

    You got to make yourself be respected so just dump him, he doesnt respect you. He doesnt respect your mom so he cant respect you.

  7. Well, us guys are sort of pigs like that.  Tell you mom about it, and then the two of you can have a little fun and humiliate him about it.  hahaa

  8. I will try to help you on this one the only thing i can say is confront him on what you over heard and if he hastes dump his ***...

  9. what a jerk.

    you should definately tell him that you heard what he said.

    i would break up with him if he said that about my mom.

    but atleast your friend has a good guy.

    he stuck up for you and said that

    you were the next best thing.

    but your guy didn't.

    so yeah..if i were you i would be like

    "i heard what you and _____ were saying about my mom in the bathroom"

    and go from there.

    good luck.

  10. YESSS get really MAD at him

  11. lol you should call his dad a DILF

    but the best way to get back at him is telling your mom what he said and then you guys make fun of him for it right in front of him

    hes a guy who seems like he doesnt have much respect for you (no offense) so if you really confront him about it he probably wont really care anyway or he'll just act like he does

    have fun with it honestly

    and make him feel like the idiot

  12. tell him his dad is s**y.

    you should tell him wat you heard and then break up with his sorry a**

  13. DUDEE. dump him like you would garbage in a trashcan.

    someone who talks like that OBVIOUSLY doesn't respect or value you.

  14. This is a awfull thing to hear i would say something about this. don't bottle it up.

  15. i would be mad too, you need to talk to him about it.

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