
Should I get my 18 month old vaccinated??

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She was up to date for the first 12 months. But Ive been doing lots of research and am actually scared to let her get anymore... I asked about them to my Dr. when she was first born and they don't give me any answers! they just guilt trip me into giving my baby these shots without any knowledge! Please give me your opinion/experience on this... Thanks!




  1. What is your primary concern with the vaccinations?

    Your baby is more likely to get sick from something like pertussis (whooping cough) or tetanus than to suffer any damage as a result of vaccination.

  2. Do your research and follow your gut and your heart. I have done hours upon hours of research on this subject and I have personally decided to not vaccinate my child based on the information I have found.

    Most of the diseases that they vaccinate for aren't even around anymore, such as diphtheria. And some of the other ones are over exaggerated for the sole purpose of scaring you into vaccinating, like polio. 90% of polio cases are no more severe than a case of the flu, and less than 5% actually result in paralysis.

    I think that the risks outweigh any possible benefits, and I think that the government wants people to keep doing it because it makes them so much money. The toxins that they put into them, the lack of legitimate research trials on the side effects of vaccines, and the compete and utter disregard for the health and safety of the children they expect to have pumped full of all that poison is just ridiculous to me.

    My son is 19 months old, has not had one single vaccination EVER, since the day he was born, and NEVER EVER EVER will. But it's very much a personal choice. Do what you feel is best for your child and don't let the doctors or anyone else intimidate you into doing anything you're not comfortable with.

    Hope this helps you, Good Luck :)

    EDIT: And when people say that they have found no links to autism from vaccines, it's purely because they have not subjectively done all of the required research. The testes they have done have been minimal, have included placebo studies, and haven't been entirely complete. Why would they want to do them, they know what the cause is, and if they do the research and publish the results, no one would want to vaccinate their kids and they would lose out on a LOT of money. So they just continue to tell people that they haven't found any links and that it's perfectly safe. You think your kid's health, safety, and general quality of life is more important to them than the billions upon billions of dollars they make off of vaccinations? I mean come on, this is the government we're talking about here!! They are probably more than willing to sacrifice a few kids to remain filthy freaking rich. Just a thought to ponder on ;)

    (There is still mercury in numerous shots that are given to kids, and it's not JUST the mercury that is bad. There is formaldehyde, animal matter, and many other chemicals, toxins, and c**p in these shots, many of which the government knows to be harmful.)

  3. my doctor told me everything i needed to know. and my mom is a nurse so she talks to me when i need answers. i say get me. theres too many dieases out there not to.

  4. It is more risky to not get them than it is TO get them. Are you thinking about autism? No one can find anything that links autism to vaccines.

    Ultimately, it's your decision. My Fiance did a LOT of research about vaccines before getting our Daughter's done.  

  5. You shouldn't let any one guilt trip you into doing anything you don't want to do. Do your research, and then you decide on what is best for your child and stand your ground with anyone who tries to bully you. In my opinion, I read all the scary things about vaccinations too, and was hesitant to let my son get anymore, but I thought about it and the risks of your child getting seriously ill from not getting the shots is alot greater than getting sick from getting them. So me and my husband decided to give him the shots, and if he has any kind of bad reaction to them, we will stop immediately. Most of the time in those cases of children getting sick from the shots, the child had a bad reaction to it, and instead of stopping them, the doctor pressured the parents into finishing the series, and the child was seriously messed up for life, which of course the doctor said had nothing to do with the vaccinations. Just follow your instinct, you know what's best for your child, not anyone else. Oh, and the main problem with the shots were the mercury that was in them, and they have taken it out of most of the shots they give kids now.

  6. I would... there are many viruses and bugs.

    My friend's sister's boy is in a coma for more than 2 weeks now bcs he caught a virus.  He is 7 years old.

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