
Should I get my cartilage or a third hole pierced? ?

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I'm getting which ever done tomorrow, with a needle. Just saying so umm tell which one and try to say why. (:




  1. i reccomend getting your 3rd hole pierced. Cartilage piercing can lead to blood infections and multiple ear infections. i got my cartilage pierced and it damaged my ear so much, i can now not get anymore piercings on my ear because of the infection.

  2. you should get your cartilage pierced, like a lil diamond stud and it'll be even more sterile since your getting it done with a needle. But only get one if your actually gonna put your hair up more than down cause then no one will be able to see it.  

  3. Third hole, you mean third lobe? I say go for cartilage, there's some variation then. They take much longer to heal though.

  4. i think ur cartilage because it will be something different than getting another piercing next to the first two u have already

  5. Neither. Cartilage is very painful.  

  6. it really up to you. its your ears, not mine haha

    i have my cartalige pierced though. i think it would look better if you go with that because it would be something different than just your two regular holes. people say that getting ur cartlige hurts a lot but it really doesnt. it's thinner than your regular ear lobe so its less painful. also, its flexible. so that also cuts down on pain. because your cartlige is thinner, it should go quicker. its also easier to get the piercing more accurate. hope this helps. good luck =]

    p.s. just some other tips if u do decide to go with the cartlige piercing. you do NOT have to buy some fancy cleaning solution. all you have to do is add a little salt to some water, put it on a qtip or a cotton ball and clean the pericing with that. it works the same way as all those fancy ones. the only downside about the cartlige piercing is that it takes a while to heal completely.  

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