
Should I get my cats declawed?

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My girlfriend wants to but I think its inhumane...




  1. Yes, it is inhumane to declaw cats.  The procedure involves not just clipping off the cats' claws, what really happens is that the cat's first knuckle of each toe is removed:  the tendons, muscles, AND nerves are ALL cut off.  Here's a picture of where they cut at:

    Imagine the procedure as removing human nails by surgically amputating ALL of the our fingers at the first knuckle.  How will we go about our necessary daily activities, such as eating, drinking, holding things, driving, and defend ourselves if we ever get in a fight?  We will eventually find a way to adapt, but we will NEVER move the same way again.  The SAME thing will happen to a declawed cat:  they will NEVER be able to move about the same way again.

  2. No.  While cats do adjust you will realize just how horrible it is when you bring him from the vet.  It's pretty sad for a couple of days.

  3. No don't. If your cat somehow escapes the house, runs away ect. he'll/she'll need some sort of way to defend it's self.  

  4. Don't do it! I'm going to assume your girlfriend is very misinformed but are you aware that de-clawing is illegal in most of the world? De-clawing is considered to be animal cruelty. Plus, as the cats can't use their claws, they tend to use their teeth instead and also tend to become aggressive.

    Please get your girlfriend to read these sites and if they don't change her mind, I'd consider getting a new girlfriend. ;)


    Declawing is illegal or considered inhumane in many countries around the world, including in the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Israel, Yugoslavia, Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil.

    In the United States and throughout the world, many respected individuals and organizations are opposed to declawing.

    The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (

    "The ASPCA does not approve of the declawing of cats as a matter of supposed convenience to cat owners. It is form of mutilation and it does cause pain."

    The Humane Society of the United States (

    "It is the policy of The Humans Society of the United States (HSUS) to oppose… declawing of cats when done solely for the convenience of the owners and without benefit to the animal."

  5. no no no don't do it you are right very cruel.I have an idea for you i assume she wants the cat declawed so it doesn't ruin the furniture well there is an alternative go to  they are claw covers safe non toxic and not painful my mom puts them on 4 cats so if she can do it on 4 you can do it on 1 its funny her cats have hot pink and purple claws lol good luck.

  6. There are so many more options than this cruel procedure. for one who be an excellent choice.  Is there a specific reason you are thinking about this?  Are the cats clawing furniture?  There is certain product you can get to apply to furniture to have them lose interest.  You may also want to purchase a scratching post and train them to use it.  My cat has her claws but instead of tearing up carpet I taught her to use her scratching post..especially when she upset (it's kinda cute)  Just don't declaw them.

  7. I personally feel that it is cruel. When they declaw a cat, their toes are cut off at the first knuckle. The cat will HAVE to be indoors only after that procedure because its will not have any real defense, or offense ( can't climb trees). So please don't do it.

  8. Get scratching posts. The best, I have found, are the ones that sit on the floor, the cardboard scratchers. They just look like pieces of cardboard stuck together, but cats LOVE them. You can rub catnip into them. My cat loves hers so much, she even sleeps on it.

    (you can buy them without the tunnel)

    I have owned MANY cats in my life (currently, I own four, and my sister owns 9), and NONE of them have been declawed. I have also never had a problem with scratching. As long as you have stuff like scratching posts for them to scratch on, they will be fine. DO NOT DECLAW. Many european countries have banned it, I do not know WHY the us wont.

    Not only that, but your GIRLFRIEND wants to declaw YOUR cats? If YOU think it is humane, do not declaw YOUR cats. Plain and simple. If she insists, dump her. Your animals well being should come first.

  9. It's completely inhumane!  

    It involves amputating the cat's toes.  It's painful and if your cats ever get out, they will be completely defenseless.

    Some cats never completely heal and will walk with a limp for the rest of their lives.  

    It's not that difficult (and costs nothing) to simply clip a cat's claws every few weeks.  It's painless, unless you cut to close to the nail bed where you can clearly see it would bleed.  

    Be good to your cats.  They love you and they don't deserve to be butchered.

  10. You can buy a product called soft claws that you glue over the real ones.  Sort of like acrylics for cats.  I used them quite successfully.  The cat didn't seem to mind and it was far more humane than ripping the claws out surgically.  

  11. Ask her if she wants her fingernails ripped off...Cats need their claws and getting them removed should be illegal....

  12. No...tell your girl she can kiss your ***

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