
Should I get my lip pierced?

by Guest63624  |  earlier

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I think it would be fun, I am tolerant to pain

Right now the only piercings I have are my ears, but i wear 10 gauge tapered plugs in them.

I am 15, but when i turn 16 or 17, I want to get it done. The only problem is, the hole might look weird if i take it out.

I think it would be fun to play with, should I get it done?




  1. I personally don't like facial piercings. And I would think it would leave a scar on your face if you take it out, I had a belly ring for years and now I have two dark brown dots where the piercing was. At least I can cover it up, I wouldn't risk a scar on my face.

  2. No.  It's just asking for trouble.  It can get infected more easily and think about how you'll look when you're 40+.  I mean, would you want to see your mom or grandma with a lip ring?

  3. ew! i would never but that's just me. if you want to get it down go ahead don't let anyone stop you from doing what you want.

  4. Wow. there sure are a lot of over-reactors here.

    I say get the piercing if you want it. If you take care of it, it WONT get infected. Just make sure to follow the piercer's instructions on aftercare. And they're going to tell you to try and not play with it while it's healing. Oh, and if you're worried that there will still be a hole after you take it out, just know there will be. But the hole will get smaller and smaller. And although it might not go away, chances are no one will really notice it.

    Good Luck!

  5. No way!! It won't look good and it might hurt when you eat!! Don't do it!!

  6. go get it done if you want to.

  7. just do it.

  8. GET OUT OF HERE!!!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!??!?!?!???  You're lips will get infected!  Don't!  A thousand times DON'T!

  9. No, it will hurt and you might get an infection and you might regret it later, and you don't know what your friends and family might think about it.

  10. no

  11. no lip piercings look really stupid

  12. i say you get it if you want it.

    if you decide you don't like it, you could always take it out.

  13. yah dey look nice =)

  14. Please don't they look ugly.

  15. It would be a big mistake to have your lip pierced.  There is nothing s**y about having a hole in ones lip.

  16. ok i had to laugh. i am 22 going on 23 and have not had my lip ring in since i was 17. the hole is still huge. and soooo noticable. i do not at all recommend it. most piercings in the lip have a hoop. you can look forward to your lip always being sore from messin with it, drinking something and getting it everywhere. and its not really an attractive spot. pain wise its not bad. but i was really really drunk so... scratch that. i would say no. i promise you, you will regret it. it will never close. mine will be open and there forever. it doesnt close like other piercings there is no cartlidge!

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