
Should I get my sister a birthday present?

by Guest33769  |  earlier

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Tomorrow is her 19th birthday, and I'm almost 13. Basically, she's been mean to me all my life, and still is to this day. As a matter of fact, this morning she picked a fight with me. I dislike her and probably will for a long time, unless she sincerely apologizes. I don't remember her getting me anything for my birthday, and right now I'm trying to figure out if I should get her anything for hers, even though I'm really reluctant to.




  1. My big sister bullied me for years.  She's 5 years older than me, so she was bigger and stronger, and beat me up alot.  It wasn't until I became an adult that I realized how much she was hurting because she was always jealous of me.  Now I feel bad about the times that I was mean back to her.  We are finally close.  She's still a little jealous because I have a WAY better life than she does, but now I just feel sorry for her.

    I think you should buy her a gift.  She might actually feel rotten for how she treated you once she gets the gift.  Or she might be nicer to you.  I think you should get her something really mushy.  Just swallow your pride and do it.  You might be amazed at what happens afterward.

    And even if she doesn't start treating you better, that's OK, too.  Because KARMA is a b!t(h.  What you do always comes back around in some way.  That's why my sister has so much hardships and I don't.

  2. Are you going to lower yourself to her level?  Who says you have to get her something huge and expensive?  

    If it's proper etiquette in your family to give presents on birthdays, then it would behoove you to at least get her something small and simple.

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