
Should I get my tongue pierced ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, for some strange reason I have the urge to get my tongue pierced. I have no desire for anything else, just for my tongue, no tattoos either. I’m 18 years old, and I don’t consider myself to be a punk or anything (actually I’m quite preppy), I just have the urge, should I get it? The nice thing about it is that you can just take it out if you don’t like it, unlike a tattoo. Also im g*y.




  1. Don't do it cause 99 percent of the people that get it pierced lose their tongue so if u want to lose it that ur problem  

  2. No, you should not.

    Of all the possible ways to pierce the human body, a tongue piercing poses some of the greatest risks to your health.

    Consider the environment for this piercing: the mouth is warm and wet, a virtual hot house for growing bacteria. As you may already know, bacteria are no piercing's friends, but they are only one of the health risks associated with tongue piercing.

    When you pierce the tongue, you offer these bacteria a new home to colonize, creating the risk for infection. This can be quite painful, but that's the least of your worries. If the infection enters your blood stream it can become systemic, meaning it can spread throughout your body.

    If this happens you can get extremely sick, and may possibly die if the infection cannot be controlled.

    Tongue piercing is a delicate procedure that requires great accuracy to avoid striking a nerve. If the piercing isn't placed in just the right place, you can wind up with permanent nerve damage. This could result in symptoms such as numbness, loss of taste, impaired speech ability, & restricted movement .

    Tongue piercing can also cause gum and tooth damage. Personally, I would be less likely to date someone if they had a tongue piercing.

  3. If you truly want to get it pierced, then I think you should.

    But you should know that a tongue piercing requires VERY high maintenance and can be really painful...

    One advantage is that a tongue piercing can enhance oral s*x if you know what you are doing (I've experienced this and it was amazing)

  4. Go for it if you want it.

    Once you get it done it gets swollen and you can't talk properly for a little bit.

    Just think about it for the future.

    Will you keep it in till your older?

    Or will you just be wasting money.

  5. If you want to do it you should.

    But... I know a few people that have done it, and they have all commented on extreme pain, constant infections and in my second cousins case, accidentally swallowing it while adjusting.

    Well anyways your

  6. Get it. If thats what you want. No need to really ask anyone on here, its a personal choice and in the end the only thing that matters is if your happy with it. Typical answer I know.

    BUT, I have mine pierced and i love it. Sure your in for some pain! Good News: It lasts no more than it takes for the needle to go through and the insertion of the barbell. a.k.a less than a minute. Theirs some swelling of course and the slight throbbing, but thats a bout it. Also the healing process if taken care of is quick and easy.

    If you have a job that disproves, theirs always the clear kind that I've gotten away with for years. Oh and yes you can always just take it out.


  7. No, piercings are a total turn off.  

  8. Get a septum piercing. They're hot on any guy in my opinion...

  9. no

  10. If you want, but it will probably be really painful. Ask questions too, like can you eat after you get it done? How long does the pain last? etc.

    And what if you chip your teeth with the piercing?

    That's why I wouldn't get one, but never say never, right?

  11. Yeah go for it

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