
Should I get my wisdom teeth pulled?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 of my wisdom teeth already. my top two grew slightly outer than the rest of my teeth. Like they are more popped out, closer to my cheeks. And the bottom one on the left is just....there. Anyway... now my bottom one on the left is growing in, like you can see it but it hasnt cracked through my gums yet. The problem is, it hurts when I eat, talk whatever, and I didnt have this problem with the other side. Should I get em pulled, or just live with the pain? I just read top contributer answer to this q :;_ylt=Ag7ujocg3F0d.ZZ8ZfqKIg5IzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080727215557AAIk8v2

and its freakn me out!!!!!!!




  1. My teeth did something similar.  Not the 3rd molars (wisdom teeth), but the 2nd (12-year old) molars.  Both on the bottom are the majority of the way out (and I'm over 20).  At the age of 16, they were half-way out.  I'd suggest to lightly brush over your gums with a toothbrush to prevent a build-up of bacteria over the tooth that's under the surface.  Other than that, there's not much that can be done.  I'd suggest to inquire your dentist to be on the safe side.  Since my upper 12-year old molars surfaced completely around the age of 13, I'm guessing that this "problem" is related to the fact that all of these molars are located on the bottom.

    So, I think pulling your tooth is not may later cause problems with your upper left 3rd molar.

  2. It depends.

    If you have enough room in your jaws for your wisdom teeth to erupt into place normally, you don't need to have them extracted.  The discomfort you are experiencing now could be similar to what happens when a child's tooth comes in.

    If you don't have enough room for them to come in properly, you should have them removed. Leaving them could cause them to become impacted, which could lead to infections, cyst formation, or even damage to your adjacent teeth. If they need to be extracted it is better to do it while you are young.

    The way to assess this is to have an x-ray taken. Your dentist can let you know what your status is. They can also discuss options for sedation or general anesthesia if you are nervous.

    Good luck

  3. get em pulled while your young so the roots dont get any bigger

  4. ok don't freak out lol. Get them pulled since in the long run it will reall help out. And if it hurts to do anything with your mouth it definetly needs to be checked out by a dentist. I got all 4 of my teeth pulled and it wasn't really that bad to say the truth one tiny shot and ur knocke dout out. The after math can be a little bad like you should sleep in a recliner for the first two days and u cant use straws or basically do anything for the first 2 days but when they are ou t*t is wonderous. also if you do have less then straight teeth getting them removed will make your teeth grow straighter. and in the future without those teeth it will be alot better, like you might get a cavity in one but if you get them pulled it will be better. so i say go see the dentist ASAP and if he says it is the wisdoms go get them pulled, jus tmake sure u are insured lol

  5. I had this conversation today with my parents because I'm getting mine out tomorrow and they said that from the age of 18 your roots start turning to bone with your jaw and they become harder to get out my dad still has his wisdom teeth and he is 45 but he had a weird dentist and one of his wisdom teeth just started to break up and he had to get it out just a year ago and the doctor had to get on his chest to pull it out so get them out when your young so you don't have to go threw that c**p

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