I have had cats my entire life, but I have had my first one on my own, away from my family for about a year now. She is eleven months old and is extremely playful.
I work from home and take her outside on her cat leash, etc., play with her, but she still seems bored to tears (or bad behavior: knocking things off shelves, demanding that I get up so she has company) half the time.
When my family introduced cats into our household with another cat already present, the cat eventually tolerated the other one but that was it.
I am thinking my cat might do well with a playmate, younger than her, probably male as she is still almost a kitten and enjoys playing with the little dogs next door.
Can anyone give me an opinion about this? Share experiences? I know that in general, cats are solitary animals and the last thing I want to do is make my cat feel abandoned/unloved by a new kitten.