
Should I get out of football or stay?

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I'm 14. Currently I got a heart problem and the doctors say it might be nothing serious, but the thing is that I'm getting checked on the 28th of this month and by then were already gonna have our scrimmage game, their gonna know who starts who doesn't and ect.

I was dissapointed that the doctor is making go to a Cardiologist to evaluate my physical cause I'm missing all these practice because I love football not as much as baseball but it's still my favorite things to do.

I've gone to everysingle practice except for Fri-Sat-Mon because my cousin died. Should I quit football? I wanna play really bad but I don't want all my work to end up, me sitting in the bench all season.




  1. You have a heart problem and the doctor says, "it might be nothing serious."  Get a new doctor before it's to late dude!!!

  2. Dont Quit! Make sure you tell your coaches whats going on and if you cant participate make sure you are there supporting your team and learning.  

  3. pull your coach to the side and tell him your situation because heart problems are serious, then if everything is alright you can come back stronger than ever

  4. If you love it you have to love every aspect of it that includes supporting your team from the bench if that is what it comes to. All I am saying is that keep in mind that you still have baseball and everything happens for a reason. Be encouraged with the fact that you still have baseball and some people aren't lucky enough to ever play or even sit the bench.  In your progression in sports as you get older you will become more and more of a specialized player and will have to share some of the responsibilities that you have now on the field.  

  5. i am the same age as you and i also play Hs football so i dont think you should play if you are not a starter.i think you should stik w/ baseball.

  6. God tests us all for different reasons, I would try to keep playing football, most people don't have a very big window in which they can still play football because they get older and don't make it to the next level. I hope everything is alright with you, and keep playing, after all of this and you are still thinking about playing, the game needs more people like you.

  7. STAY! Football rocks

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