
Should I get over it? Or is she being a crappy friend?

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I know this is going to sound stupid, but my best friend didn't tell me she had a boyfriend (apparently, we're still in middle school). I found out when she was over at my house half a month ago when we were on her facebook.... Then she left to go home. She knew I was upset, and she hasn't called back once in the past two weeks to say sorry, or explain or anything. Should I call her?

I'm mostly peed off that she didnt call me for two weeks. I don't know, is there a reason she could not be calling me? Should I call her and get over it, ask her what's up?.... or is she being a crappy friend?

Thanks so much




  1. I think it would speak very highly of you to put aside your pride and call her. Its ashame that she didn't tell you about her boyfriend but through understanding comes peace. If you can be the bigger person in this and take the first step, no matter what happens with the friendship, you should come up on top and gain respect. Some people are sensitive about certain things and this might be one of hers. Life is too short to just  let a friendship fizzle for no good reason. Be understanding and calm, and keep drama to a minimum. You both will be better off. What happens next is up to you. Be that strong person. Keep your chin up sister. Everything happens for a reason.

  2. Maybe she is embarrass for you to know she has a b/f, maybe he is just a crush. Sure go ahead and call her and ask what is wrong. Don't mention the b/f if she doesn't and don't tell anyone about her having a b/f.

  3. i think you should call her and just be calm and don't freak out or she'll use that as a reason to be upset at you. maybe she hasn't called back because she thinks you're mad at her. just tell her you wanna make stuff b/w u guys better.

    good luck<33

  4. calm down and just call her. *talk it out.  

  5. You shouldnt be mad that she didn't tell you that is stupid. My friend had a bf for 6 months with out telling me and I was okay with it. it is up to her to tell you. The reason she didn't call you is cuz you were upset with her and you were in the wrong.

  6. I think you should call her and try to be nice to her, maybe she couldn't find an easy way to tell you, or she thought you would judge her by that. She might be waiting for you to call her. I've been in the same situation before, but in your friend's shoes. Try not to be mad at her, don't let a guy break up your friendship.  

  7. Do you know who this guy is? Maybe she didn't want to tell you because she knows its someone you know you wouldn't approve of. However this does not excuse her keeping it from you, I'm just saying there may be a deeper reason rather than her just being a crappy friend.

    My theory is its not worth losing your friendship over, call her up and tell her that's you want to talk, tell her your not mad but worried at why she feels she cant share things with you.

    She probably isn't calling you because she feels guilty about not telling you and about you finding out the way you did.

    At the end of the day boys come and go but girls mates last forever.

    Hope all goes well for you hunny x

  8. She is probably very busy and just has not been able to contact you.  Give her a call sometime and gently ask her these questions, then offer her your feelings.  No one is a mind reader so she may not even know what is going on.

  9. no offense but is ur friend really a friend!?!

    i mean i dont know why she would be mad unless u have something going on w/ her bf but...if shes not gonna be mature then at least u should...but if u call her dont yell at her..act normal like NONE of this eva happen..when she gets more comfotable..then talk about it with her!

  10. I think that the best thing for you to do in this situation is to call her up and ask her if everything's okay. Tell her that youhaven'tt heard from her in two weeks and you wanted to know if she was alright. Then let her explain why shedidn'tt tell you about him. Chances are that sheisn'tt calling you because she's afraid thatyou'lll still be mad at her. This situationisn'tt worth losing your friend over.

    Good Luck and I Hope I Helped!

  11. get over it

  12. You should leave your friend alone right now, she is obviously busy with her new man. He is probably giving it to her right now, and you probably need the same. So go get your own man and you can be getting the same right now, instead of sitting on the internet, loser.

  13. ya dnt jump the gun lol, people go through weird periods now and then.

    you could ring her and tell her how you feel??

    God bless, hope it all works out ok:)

  14. Omg! this is crazy the exact same things happend with me and my best friend.Talk to your friend first and ask her whats going on and why she being like this with you.If she comes up with a lame reason shes a crappy friend,and theres no point having someone like that in your life.But if her reasons are good enough.just sit down and talk it all through with her and explain to her how shes making you feel.It'll all work out for the best im sure.whatever way it goes. Hope this helps:) x

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