
Should I get rid of a friend who keeps using me?

by  |  earlier

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I was to go on holiday with a friend this summer but she pulled out twice because she could not afford it. Another friend told me she is going on holiday with some other people but she has never mentioned it to me. I feel it is time to end the friendship because she has used me a number of times before but this for me is the last straw. What do I say to her?




  1. Umm...your in Internet Security...=S

    But yeah, you should toss that hoe =D


  2. Call her on it, if she sais "yah im going" punch that ***** in the face...... and then say "thats what you get for being a selfish tw@t!!! then get a friend who wouldnt be a back stabbing sk@nk like that!  

    good luck!

  3. You don't have to say a word. Just run.

    My 'friend' has not written or called in a year. I got the hint.

    Now I just leave her alone. I used to call and write all the time. But I am disabled now and I just don't have the energy for these bad manners anymore.

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